As reported on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, the director of the Military Medical Department Vitaly Andronatiy has been removed from his post, by order of the head of the Ministry of Defense Stepan Poltorak (read more about him Stepan Poltorak: the new Kuchma needed a new Kuzmuk).
As stated in this order, Andronatiy was dismissed for unsatisfactory work of the health care bodies of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, poor organization of medical care in the ATO zone, as well as unsatisfactory conduct of state procurement. An official investigation has been launched into these facts.
During his time working in various positions, Vitaly Andronatiy has found himself at the center of scandals more than once.
The Decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko No. 708/2006 of August 21, 2006, on awarding the title of “Honored Worker of Healthcare of Ukraine” to Colonel of the Medical Service Andronatiy caused a resonance in the information space and among the public: “For a significant personal contribution to strengthening the defense capability and security of the Ukrainian state, high professionalism in protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.” It is unclear, however, what kind of contribution. Since one of his achievements, which is really well remembered, is the sale of modern medical equipment at a ridiculous price. At that time, he headed the Western Regional Medical Directorate of the Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Defense. Also, at one time, all Ukrainian media trumpeted that Andronatiy was taking his mistress around the European Union for money from the Ministry of Defense.
But still, by order of the former Minister of Defense Lebedev dated December 26, 2013, Vitaly Borisovich was brought to the trough and, in the order of promotion (before that he was Acting Minister), was appointed director of the military medical department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.