CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Suren Sardaryan: insatiable Odessa “scammer”. PART 1
Suren Sardaryan
Big family business
Suren Sardaryan is not the richest of Odessa businessmen, but in terms of the number of his companies, he outshines even many oligarchs. Some of them are registered to him, some to his wife Sardaryan Karine Rafikovna (born 1960), children Khachatur Sardaryan (born 1984) and Armine Sardaryan-Nazarova (born 1986), and older brother Nikolai Khachaturovich Sardaryan (born 1946). By the way, his son Khachatur lived for a long time in Crimea (in Yevpatoria), running a family business there at KV Vesta-Service gas stations. And these gas stations continue to operate there to this day, just like Sardaryan’s Crimean business in the field of tourism and recreation.
Now we will give you a list only of companies that are directly registered with members of the Sardaryan family. Others, registered to Sardaryan’s partners and proxies, such as the previously mentioned Vesta Media Corporation, are much more difficult to find. So, the Sardaryans opened most of their companies in Odessa, these are:
• Credit Union “Union” (EDRPOU 35566242)
• Concern “Vesta” (31760675)
• Vesta Service LLC (30251215)
• Sarmont Management Ukraine LLC (37872578)
• International public organization “Union” (35564905)
• LLC “Law Firm Kartuzov and Partners” (33311863)
• Kharatyan Training Center LLC (41583543)
• SUMAKOTA LLC (41663492)
• Yuzhspetstrans LLC (35056502)
• LLC “Ekozemstroy” (35179406)
• Financial company “IZI 24” (42334886)
• Public organization “Armenian Business Club” (41479729)
• Charitable Foundation named after. St. Gregory the Illuminator (41675010)
• Odessa Regional Association of Bus Stations LLC (32067472)
• PJSC “OdessaAvtotrans” (22479374)
• PJSC “SeverTrans” (05523553)
• LLC “Yuzhzemresurs” (35404446)
• Uticket Ukraine LLC (40855620)
• LLC “Avtostation Reni” (40868556)
• AS Berezovka LLC (40868598)
• AS T-B LLC (40868378)
• AS Izmail LLC (40849313)
• AS Artsyz LLC (42906729)
• AS Ananyev LLC (40849329)
• Odessa Central Bus Station LLC (40868268)
• LLC (40629136)
• Service Medical LLC (43195380)
• LLC “IKYU2YU1I0R9I” (43268191)
• OV South LLC (40628944)
• Fast Grow LLC (40531185)
• Expressua LLC (40523813)
• LTG Trans LLC (41165698)
• Yugos LLC (31185772)
• PE “Globus 9” (36851688)
• PE “Globus 10” (36851761)
• KB Engineering LLC (37549907)
• Zebestov LLC (34738789)
• Arista Asset LLC (41425542)
• LLC “F.M.C.G.” (42065594)
• Bol LLC (42467452)
• Prime Asset Management LLC (40122861)
• MAV Ticket Service LLC (39853122)
• O-ST21 LLC (43166795)
• Realty-Odessa LLC (43160562)
• Real Estate Ukraine LLC (42973575)
• Arriva Asset LLC (40437536)
• Arabell Asset LLC (40428689)
• Daniel Asset LLC (40966079)
• Marbel Asset LLC (40383601)
• Kiparis K LLC (42251077)
• Krivoy Prime Properties LLC (42310520)
• Liana LLC (31126041)
In addition, at least five of their companies are known in Krivoy Rog. These are: Krivbass Real Estate Center LLC (33407623), Tiara (24445698), Erfolg (31735883), Sterkh (31735759) and Krivbasstrans (43131353). In Kyiv they own Ukragrodom HC LLC (41579998), and in the Kherson region Vesta-service Novaya Kakhovka LLC (32631617).
Sardaryan’s methods
Ten years ago in the media publication appeared a certain Ilya Luponosov, who introduced himself as “the brother of a victim of the lawlessness perpetrated by Suren Sardaryan.” In it, rather confusingly, it was told about the conflict between Vesta and Energia-Yug LLC (EDRPOU 33490795), established by Sardaryan’s former partner, who had fallen out with him in 2002. By the way, today the owner of the company is Ilya Luponosov himself, but no information has been found about his brother (was he even there?). So, Energia-South organized a training center in Odessa, where, in particular, gas station operators took courses. These courses were completed by employees of all networks of Odessa gas stations, except Vesta. After some time, inspections began, and state supervision almost took away Vesta’s license due to the fact that its staff were “not trained” in accordance with special standards (gas stations, among other things, are high-risk facilities). Sardaryan immediately declared that this was Luponosov’s machinations and began a war against him. Luponosov was illegally detained (actually kidnapped) by the Vesta security service, he was charged with conspiring with a Vesta accountant to steal gasoline coupons in the amount of 90 thousand hryvnia, then the amount was increased to 300 thousand and they tried to demand money from Luponosov for a certain “thieves’ common fund”, then they threatened him with Organized Organized Crime Control and a prison term. As a result, Sardaryan nevertheless “shaked” 300 thousand hryvnia from Luponosov, after which he was still involved in the case of stealing gasoline coupons and the Organized Crime Control Department conducted searches of him (during which money and valuables were stolen). Well, according to Luponosov, Sardaryan threatened him after that, explaining everything with revenge for the training center.
Another publicationrelatively recent, belongs to Odessa pro-Maidan activist Max Gordienko. This person has a certain reputation, so decide for yourself whether to believe him or not. He reported the following: Suren Sardaryan “ordered” the collection of debts from people from the famous criminal “authority” and international criminal Khalid Musayev, who is also a close acquaintance of Ramzan Kadyrov. At the same time, the amounts of debts were “rounded up” to 100 or 200 thousand, because Musaev’s “butchers” needed to be paid for their “work,” and the debtors were kidnapped and beaten.

Khalid Musaev
And now from publications to specific facts. A very interesting story was with Mobile Terminal LLC (EDRPOU 34618425), which Sardaryan “threw away” for 14 million hryvnia! By the way, in 2012-2-13 “Mobile Terminal”, together with the company “Gas of Ukraine” of Sergei Kurchenko, engaged in smuggling of gasoline and diesel. Well, as if it were smuggled – they simply didn’t pay taxes for it, registering it according to some shady schemes. Then the government changed, Kurchenko fled, and the Mobile Terminal business collapsed. It was then that Suren Sardaryan made him a lucrative offer. But after Mobile Terminal supplied Vesta with a large shipment of fuel (worth 14 million hryvnia), Sardaryan never paid for it (criminal proceedings No. 12014160500009489 were initiated). And in order to confuse his tracks, he rebranded Vesta-Service, temporarily “merging” with Nikolai Danshin’s Lotos-Energy company and renaming his gas stations that way. Then he cheated someone else out of money and broke the contract with Lotus-Energy, saddled with debts on Danshin.
The history of the Odessa bus depot “Severny” deserves a separate story. In the 90s, it was turned into the SeverTrans joint-stock company, whose shares were then bought by the Sardaryans. What they couldn’t “fool” from people for a few hryvnias or a couple of bottles of “palenka” was taken away for debts – after all, Sardaryan’s company supplied fuel to the fleet on credit. So, in fact, for pennies, he took over the largest bus fleet in Odessa, and at the same time its routes – and from this Sardaryan began his passenger transportation business. Gradually, he captured bus stations in Odessa and the region, turning each into a separate LLC, and then decided to “develop” into other regions. The problem was one thing: Sardaryan’s vehicle fleet consists of 40% old, and 50% emergency vehicles, which are simply dangerous to drive – there were cases when passengers fell into the completely rusted floor of the cabin! It is clear that it is impossible to honestly win competitions with such rolling stock, even using Sardaryan’s proprietary method: bring your 10% of new cars “to the show,” get routes, and run old “Gazelles” and “Ikaruses” along them. Therefore, he achieved success only where he had “hairy hands” – for example, in Krivoy Rog, where Sardaryan, according to Skelet.Infoalso mastered the road work business. The fruits of the close “family friendship” of Sardaryan and Vilkulov have long been estimated in hundreds of millions of hryvnias that went from the city budget of Krivoy Rog to the accounts of Vesta subsidiaries.
But, let us repeat once again, Sardaryan controls not only companies that are directly owned by his family. Therefore, it is worth remembering one almost forgotten story from 2011-2013. when the reconstruction of Odessa airport took place. Then Odessa International Airport LLC was created for this business, 25% of which was contributed by the city in the form of airport property, and 75% in the form of 360 million hryvnia was contributed by Odessa Airport Development LLC, owned by Boris Kaufman and Alexander Granovsky – who undertook to find 180 million dollars for the reconstruction of the airport. But then Euro 2012 passed, and the reconstruction, as they say, did not begin, and no money was found for it. And in 2013, Vyacheslav Khomyakov, Sardaryan’s partner in the Vesta Development and Yuzhzemresurs companies, became the new general director of Odessa International Airport LLC. Khomyakov immediately pulled off the scheme: he mortgaged the airport property and took out a loan for $30 million from Ukreximbank. The fate of this money remained unknown, because the new terminal and runway remained unfinished. And now neither the new mayor Trukhanov nor the then governor Saakashvili could stand their nerves, and the Odessa City Council decided to withdraw from the founders of Odessa International Airport LLC along with its share – that is, the airport itself. But it turned out that it was impossible to take your share, because it was pledged to the bank for a loan!
Fraud is another signature method of Suren Sardaryan. In the story of the seizure of land from the New Arcadia insurance company, which is being investigated in case No. 12012110100000269 against Alexander Kovalenko (Sardaryan’s partner), the fraud was multi-stage. First, Kovalenko, using forged documents (including for a person who died back in the 90s), took possession of a number of apartments and plots. He contributed one of these plots to the authorized capital of Ukragrodom HC LLC (registered in Kyiv), the director of which is Kovalenko himself, and the owner is Suren Sardaryan. Afterwards, Kovalenko tried to transfer the rights to use the site to his company Posmitny, but did not have time – law enforcement officers became interested in him. But as soon as Kovalenko was “tied”, Sardaryan immediately, using the right of ownership to the stolen plot, tried to build it up! Fortunately, the court prohibited the use of this site until the conflict was resolved.

Well, for a “snack” – about Sardaryan and children, a few sad lines. At the very beginning, we mentioned that several of Sardaryan’s companies, which have been renting the Odessa park for many years. Gorky, instead of ennobling him, began to drive him out of the Colorito attractions. In the fall of 2019, the conflict reached its climax: having driven their workers and security guards into the park, Sardaryan’s henchmen first disconnected the rides from electricity, and then began loading them onto cars and taking them out.
But a much dirtier story surfaced in 2015. Let us immediately emphasize that recently it has become fashionable to throw accusations of pedophilia, often without evidence, sometimes turning it into bullying (as in relation to Michael Jackson), so we urge you to treat them with caution. And we’ll just retell what they wrote in the press then. And the following happened: the prosecutor’s office of the annexed Crimea resumed a number of old cases, including case against Valentin Babenko, Vadim Simonov, Suren Sardaryan and Evgeniy Morozenko on charges of committing acts of a sexual nature against orphans who were vacationing under a special program at the Artek camp. According to the statement of the Crimean prosecutor’s office, “… twelve children became victims of sexual violence by two citizens of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), as well as four citizens of Ukraine. We are talking about girls aged 12 to 14 years. According to the investigation, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office tried to open a criminal case as part of another investigation into Artek, but it was hushed up.”
Suren Sardaryan was lucky in that Ukraine does not completely recognize the powers of the prosecutor’s office and other bodies of the annexed Crimea – otherwise he would have had a hard time, even with his connections in law enforcement agencies. But Vadim Simonov, the former deputy head of the State Veterinary and Phytoinspectorate of Ukraine and the brother-in-law of ex-minister Nikolai Prisyazhnyuk, is in complete trouble. Actually, it all started with the fact that in November 2015, Simonov was arrested in Rostov-on-Don on charges of harassing a 15-year-old boy. Immediately in Crimea, they picked up the old files and re-opened the case “about pedophilia in Artek.” And a year later, he was finally noticed by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, but it was not interested in pedophilia, but in the charges related to his work in 2011-2013: abuse of official position, corruption and theft of budget funds on an especially large scale. The Prosecutor General’s Office was also interested in information about Simonov’s work in the DPR government as the chief phytosanitary inspector. He himself categorically denied all these accusations.In general, the attention of the Prosecutor General’s Office switched from Sardaryan to Simonov, and from pedophilia to corruption and “collaboration with terrorists,” so everyone very quickly forgot about the owner of Vesta. And he clearly doesn’t want to be remembered again. However, Suren Sardaryan himself regularly reminds himself of himself with new scandals.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
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