SAP is checking the facts of Okhendovsky receiving bribes from the “black cash” of the Party of Regions

Mikhail Okhendovsky

SAP (Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office) is checking four facts of possible receipt of funds from the “black cash” of the Party of Regions by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mikhail Okhendovsky (More details about him in the article Mikhail Okhendovsky: what is the new “Fag” keeping silent about?). This information was reported by the head of SAPO Nazar Kholodnitsky (For more information about him, read: Nazar Kholodnitsky. Chief of Corruption or the Fight against It?) to the publication Mirror of the week.

According to Kholodnitsky, four facts of receipt of a bribe by Okhendovsky for a total amount of $16,734 thousand are being verified. However, the head of the SAPO noted that no movement of this amount of funds has yet been detected in the bank accounts of the head of the Central Election Commission. Therefore, SAP has “the burden of additional proof that this is exactly the money that appears in the published lists of the Party of Regions’ “black ledgers.”

Let us recall that ex-deputy head of the SBU Viktor Trepak announced to the media that SAPO and NABU had transferred documents that confirm illegal payments of funds by the Party of Regions to a number of current and former high-ranking officials. On this fact, NABU opened a criminal case. Later, People’s Deputy Sergei Leshchenko made public part of the “black accounting” of Viktor Yanukovych’s party.

On topic: Nazar Kholodnitsky. Chief for corruption or the fight against it?