Russian driver violently knocked down a scooter at the crossing and got on video

In Yekaterinburg, a driver violently knocked down an electric scooter pedestrian transition. The incident in the Russian city was caught on video, the corresponding footage was published by the 112 Telegram channel.

In the video that appeared, you can see how a young man on an electric scooter is trying to slip through an intersection. At that moment, he is hit by a car. From the impact of the guy throws a few meters up.

Later, the traffic police explained that the young man left on a scooter at a traffic signal forbidding, writes the E1 portal.

“The driver of the car did not have time to react and made a collision. The victim was taken to the 36th hospital with a diagnosis of “closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, closed fracture of the lower leg, abrasion of the lateral surface of the neck,” the State traffic inspectorate said.
