Russia breaks COVID-19 incidence record again

This is evidenced by the latest official data from the federal operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus.

According to official data from the federal operational headquarters for combating COVID-19, as of February 9, over the past day in Russia, the number of newly identified patients with coronavirus infection amounted to 183,103 people. This is a new daily high since the start of the pandemic. Currently, the total number of cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of observation has reached 13,330,769 people.

Among the regions, St. Petersburg took the first place in terms of incidence. They revealed 19,644 new cases per day. Next comes the Moscow region – 11,956 cases. In the capital, 11,521 cases were recorded.

Over the past day, 669 deaths were recorded among patients with coronavirus infection. According to the operational headquarters, a total of 337,390 people with confirmed COVID-19 have died since the start of the pandemic.

In addition, a total of 20,178 people were hospitalized with coronavirus in the country per day. For comparison, as of February 7, this figure was 10,843 people.

Earlier it was reported that with the onset of the pandemic in Russia, the detection rate of oncological diseases decreased. At the same time, cancer has become more often diagnosed in the later stages, which is associated with an overload of the healthcare system.

At the beginning of the month, in connection with the difficult epidemiological situation in Russia caused by the spread of the omicron strain of coronavirus infection, the Russian Trilateral Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations made a recommendation for employers to transfer the maximum possible number of employees to remote work.