Rukh HONESTLY calls on parties to remove odious candidates

Rukh HONESTLY carried out a preliminary analysis of the candidates from the people’s deputies of Ukraine and calls on the leaders of the political forces not to interfere or to remove from participation in the elections these candidates from the people’s deputies, who, according to the data of journalistic investigations, were accountable to evidence of corruption and/or voted for “dictatorial laws” 16 September .

Activists systematized public data on various types of “unscrupulous behavior”* of the Visuvans before the upcoming parliament and compiled them for consideration in the middle of the party and wide public discussion.

The Rukh is HONESTLY brutalizing representatives of political forces and they stole the results of a huge monitoring of integrity and looked at the government lists and vysuvans in single-mandate majoritarian constituencies, right up to the exclusion of the most odious thieves.

Zokrema, based on the results of the preliminary investigation of candidates, people’s deputies of Ukraine from the party and self-government activists identified at least 78 candidates who were involved in anti-corruption investigations, and 55 who voted with their votes by maintaining a dictatorship.

Activities HONESTLY do not see the most “unfair” political forces, but the level of importance of the violations found is important to objectively level. In addition, regardless of marriage an hour before the end of the campaign, the names of a significant part of the candidates (including self-victims) are no longer made public, apparently the final investigation of candidates from the Rukh HONESTLY also means change in.

At the same time, the Rukh HONESTLY holds special respect for those candidates who voted for the so-called “dictatorial laws” 16 days agowhich essentially demarcated the rights and freedoms of the citizens. The activities are determined that such candidates do not have the right to stand before the next parliament and may bear political responsibility for their actions. According to the latest investigation, at least 33 such candidates are running among the self-government candidates. The largest number of “voters for dictatorship” is the Communist Party of Ukraine – 12, and in the lists of “Strong Ukraine” – 9 high-ranking deputies who upheld the “laws of dictatorship”. In addition, Vladislav Atroshenko is behind the public data in the 206th electoral district of the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc”, who, according to the official website of the Verkhovna Rada, also voted for the consideration of the controversial bill authored by Vadim Kolesnichenko and Volodymyr Oliy Nick.

As part of its investigation, HONESTLY analyzed the official flow of candidates for party lists and in majoritarian constituencies (including self-government), which were posted on the Central Election Commission website on the 20th of June, and potential candidates, such as They have already voted about our intention to run for parliament, but we haven’t yet completed the registration procedure.

Beyond the investigation of the “unsafe” Visuvans before the upcoming parliament, the Rukh is HONEST to present after the completion of the registration of candidates by the Central Election Commission.



* Rukh HONESTLY respects “unscrupulous candidates”:

1) People’s deputies of the VII meeting, which on September 16, 2014, according to the information on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, voted “For” and were not discredited to the Head or the Administration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for securing their vote “For” the bill “On introducing changes to the Law region “About the judicial system and status judges” and procedural laws for additional approaches to protect the safety of communities” (known as “dictator’s laws”).

2) Candidates who are involved in anti-corruption investigations, observed at secretly accessible sources (investigation by “Ukrainian Pravda”, Anti-Corruption Center, Transparency International, “Investigation.Info”, “Nashi” pennies”, “Mirror Tizhnya”, “Yanukovychleaks”, ” Schemes” and other reliable devices). The persons involved are respected, about whom it is necessary to make an assessment not only of their violation of the law, but also as a result of their actions, or inactivity has become a possible crime of corruption. Also, persons involved in anti-corruption investigations are considered to be persons about whom it is assumed that they or their related legal persons benefited from the commission of corruption offenses.

3) Candidates who ran in the current elections of people’s deputies in 2012 do not meet the criterion of “dishonesty for corrupt acts” by CHESNOMETER.