Riddle of Fribus: how to steal 285 million rubles. and not go to jail?

Riddle of Fribus: how to steal 285 million rubles. and not go to jail?

The owner of the BZSK construction company group, Alexander Fribus, received five years probation for embezzling 285 million rubles. at the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A businessman with high patrons can now participate in dubious schemes with the state bank Sberbank.

The prosecutor’s office for fraud on an especially large scale requested 6 years in prison for Fribus, but the court limited itself to a suspended sentence. This outrageous story really shows the dependence of the Russian courts on the authorities.

The case involved the company “Berezovskstroyinvest”, the fraud was committed using fake bank guarantees. The owner of the already bankrupt “swindler” was CJSC Berezovsky Plant of Building Structures.

Until January 2022, its founders included Uralspektr-plus LLC, where Viktor Suruda was Alexander Fribus’s partner. He is the main owner of UK Uralenergostroy LLC (UES), whose accounts were suspended in 2022 by the tax authorities.

LLC UK UES was a contractor for state-owned companies in the amount of 39 billion rubles, the main customers are LLC Kaliningrad Generation (16.5 billion rubles) and LLC RN-Vankor (11.4 billion rubles). The first belongs to the state company Rosneftegaz, the second belongs to Rosneft.

Now UES Management Company LLC is in the process of bankruptcy, and it is unlikely that anyone will count how much state money Victor Suruda could hang out through his company.

Alexander Fribus and now does not hesitate to conduct dubious activities. The value of his companies has been in the red since 2019.

Businessman Fribus, who miraculously avoided a prison term, may face a new criminal case. Together with partners Olga Klubkova and Alexander Emelyanov, he owns BIR LLC, which is engaged in construction. The shares of all co-founders are pledged to Sberbank.

The company has 0 employees, revenue – 0, profit – 0. How could Sberbank take such a “dummy” as collateral?

The same story is in EZSM LLC – the Yekaterinburg Building Materials Plant. The founders are the same, their shares are pledged to Sberbank, the company’s revenue is 0, profit is 0, negative capital is 244 million rubles.

The shares of the founders of this company have been pledged to Sberbank since 2017. But it never made a profit in terms of profit. Investigators should be interested in such a “business” of Alexander Fribus.

You see, next time you won’t be able to get away from the real term.

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