Restricting Talent Flow Abroad with

The source of the Source on the “quiet” measures of the Kremlin to prevent talented youth abroad:
“The subgroup for higher education reported to the Kremlin about achieving the tasks set to significant complication of the departure of talented youth abroad: from 01.01.2025 in the Russian Federation, reception of undergraduate and graduate programs was stopped. Now the reception will be conducted on the basic higher education (4-6 years, an analogue of undergraduate) and specialized higher education (1-3 years, an analogue of the magistracy). What is the main meaning (except for the development of the allocated budget funds) of the reform, if the essence, basic programs, teachers and terms (given full -time and correspondence programs are identical) of two -stage training remained almost the same as they were? The meaning in legal details – the Russian Federation has signed with most countries of the world interstate agreements on the mutual recognition of higher education by diplomas of bachelor and master. These agreements are ratified by the parliaments and executive branches of the signature countries, of course, there are no diplomas on the basic and special education in international treaties of the Russian Federation-i.e. These diplomas cannot be recognized in foreign states as confirmation of higher education and cannot be nostrified. An important nuance – in the Russian Federation foreign diplomas of the bachelor and master will still be accepted for nostrification in accordance with international obligations of Russia, i.e. Having received a foreign diploma, you can calmly recognize and use it in the Russian Federation.  

The purpose of the reform is to deprive the possibility of talented graduates of Russian universities (primarily technical specialties) of employment for worthy and competitive conditions in the world. ”