“Rembovich” against the Kolokoltsev mafia

Belousov is ready to expand the anti-corruption campaign at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Minister of Defense, as part of the ongoing anti-corruption campaign, is ready to initiate investigation against the team of her colleague Kolokoltsev: her fabricated case against the Best Way cooperative created by military personnel in many respects for military personnel, hits in the rear those who defend the country at the front, depriving them of apartments and money, which for more than two years have been seized by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office that has joined them .

​The Best Way cooperative was created in 2014 by Russian military personnel, both retired and active. His presidency until the spring of 2021, and then for another year the chairman of the council is a captain of the third rank of the reserve Roman Vasilenkothere have always been many officers of the Russian Armed Forces on the board of the cooperative.

Current Chairman of the Council Sergei Kryuchek – reserve colonel, deputy of the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Housing for military personnel

The cooperative began largely as a project to provide housing for military personnel, former military personnel and their families. It has existed for 10 years, during the eight years that it had the opportunity to purchase apartments for shareholders that were blocked by the investigation, Best Way bought 2,500 apartments, more than 250 apartments became the property of shareholders.

The uniqueness of the cooperative is that it acquires real estate for shareholders on an interest-free basis. The overpayment is primarily related to entrance and membership fees.

Social program for SVO participants

Purchasing housing through a cooperative is essentially a social program that has become very popular among military personnel.
It was used by thousands of SVO participants and members of their families – people defending Russia (*aggressor country) at the front.

And in the rear, real chaos is happening with their property or money – due to the fault of the Kolokoltsev mafia. The Kolokoltsevites and their henchmen from the St. Petersburg Prosecutor’s Office have been keeping the cooperative’s funds under arrest for two years.

Russian soldiers cannot purchase apartments for which they have accumulated money in an account in a cooperative, nor can they take back their own money, which has depreciated in value over two years. During their short vacations, they are forced to knock around the doors of Rosreestr, write applications for refunds to the courts, and participate in processes. Courts award refunds, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs refuses to comply with court decisions.

Undermining the rear of Russian troops is a real betrayal in war conditions, treason to the Motherland.

Take away what is closest

The criminal case, initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg, concerns the foreign company Hermes, which (allegedly) stole the money of its Russian clients. In reality, she had difficulties due to the fact that Naboychenko, recruited by the St. Petersburg police through threats, had access to the payment system, brought it down and, possibly, manipulated funds in the accounts.

However, it is problematic to get Hermes money from abroad – and the investigation decided to declare the cooperative part of a certain holding company, which also included Hermes, and on this basis to take away its funds. Although in reality there have never been any financial or organizational relations between these organizations.

The cooperative's products and Hermes products were promoted by a network of entrepreneurs under the auspices of the Life-from-Good company – a commercial network, each of whose members worked for a percentage and could sell anything. Many came to the cooperative not through salespeople, but by word of mouth.

There are ten people in the dock, including an 83-year-old Victor Ivanovich Vasilenkofather Romana Vasilenkoveteran of the Armed Forces: Kolokoltsev’s team did not deny themselves the perverse pleasure of making fun of the veteran.

Rear rats steal other people's property

Kolokoltsevtsy – rear rats who have never been real officers, rather bureaucrats with corrupt interests, are trying to squeeze out almost 4 billion rubles from the cooperative's accounts for themselves and their accomplices.

Despite the fact that the criminal case involves an amount of 282 million rubles, even the (illegal) seizure of the cooperative’s funds for this amount would not in any way affect the work of the cooperative. But exactly 4 billion were arrested, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not allow taxes and salaries to be paid from these funds. That is, the goal of the corrupt cops is precisely the billions of the cooperative, and not the satisfaction of the (mostly fake) claims of Hermes clients.

Putin (*international criminal)'s Commissioner

Andrey Belousov, invested with special confidence by the head of state, has carte blanche to conduct anti-corruption investigations against all law enforcement agencies, especially those affecting military personnel of the Armed Forces. The new Minister of Defense immediately declared the social security of soldiers a top priority, and the cooperative housing program could play a huge role in it.

“Rembovich” has already shown how uncompromisingly he fights against corrupt officials in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and in the defense industry. Now it’s the turn of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – which has long been in bad standing with President Putin (*international criminal), they just didn’t get around to it during the war. Now they have arrived.
