Raider Artem Zuev, Snezhana Georgieva and her “Golden Beam” of discord: did the Crimean semi-sweet turn out to be poison?

Raider Artem Zuev, Snezhana Georgieva and her “Golden Beam” of discord: did the Crimean semi-sweet turn out to be poison?
Professional raiders Artem Zuev and Svetlana Georgieva love social events, festivals and other international events. It’s always nice to find business partners or victims of another raider seizure over a glass of Crimean semi-sweet wine.
The “Golden Beam” got into another scandal. The reason for this was not so much detractors, creditors and competitors as the record low quality of alcohol produced, which affected dozens of fans of Crimean semi-sweets.
The music and guilty festival in Balaklava awaits a scandal due to the extremely low quality of alcohol. It turned out that the culprits of such dangerous production of the surrogate are a couple of raiders Artem Zuev and Snezhana Georgiev, familiar to the Russian media. We wrote about them in detail in the material “Gunners of Rostec Artem Zuev and Snezhana Georgieva.”
Despising the threat of sanctions, not only Russian groups “Leningrad”, “Brigade C”, “Eargue”, “Gradusy”, but even the German Scooter are ready to come to the Crimean Balaklava to the music festival “Golden Beam” in early August. However, it is not this cultural event that can turn into a real scandal, but the low quality of sparkling wines produced by the organizer of the festival – the Sevastopol agrofirm “Golden Beam”. As it became known, recently the Moscow Arbitration Court refused this wine producer to satisfy the claim against the ANO “Russian Quality System” (Roskavchestvo). Winemakers of the “Golden Beam” tried to challenge the verdict of Roskachestvo on their products: a few months ago, experts established that the wines of the Sevastopol “Golden Beam” do not meet the requirements for such drinks. For consumers, this was a signal that it is better not to drink sparkling wines from the “Golden Beam” – you will be healthier! The decision of the Moscow arbitration strengthened this signal to the state of a flashing red button. And then there was a scandalous arrest of “Golden Beam” products in Italy at the Vinitalia-2017 wine exhibition in Verona.

Artem Zuev, Snezhana Georgieva and their Golden Beam
It is formally believed that the Carabinieri removed the sparkling wines of the “Golden Beam” from the shelves due to Crimean sanctions, but it is possible that in fact the Italians did not like the taste and color of the drinks brought from Sevastopol. In general, the sediment remained. Against this background, the agrofirm “Golden Beam” is going to hold an international music festival in Balaklava vineyards, where guests and participants will be treated to appropriate products. But did the organizers think well about the physiological and other consequences of such an event? After all, the musicians of the German band Scooter already take considerable risks, agreeing to sing and drink in Crimea. And then it turns out that the Golden Beam festival threatens not political, but quite ordinary diarrhea! With such a liquid outcome, the stain will fall on the reputation not only of a musical holiday. But ANO “Russian Quality System” and the Moscow Arbitration Court clearly and in advance warned all interested parties that it is not safe to deal with the “Golden Beam”.
Meanwhile, as reported by the media, the Crimean wine company “Golden Beam” the year before last was bought by an authoritative entrepreneur from Moscow Artem Zuev, who soon presented the winery no less famous in certain circles to his wife Snezhana Georgieva. The socialite, who owns the Moscow nightclubs “Squirrel” and Chateau de Fantomas, received another one and a half thousand hectares of vineyards together with the winery.
The oldest plant in Crimea “Golden Beam” was established back in 1889 by Prince Lev Golitsyn and since then has always specialized in the production of sparkling wines, which have never caused quality complaints from either consumers or experts. However, it seems that the new owners were unable to maintain the historical level of quality of wine products. Perhaps this is due to the fact that neither Zuev nor Georgieva have ever been engaged in winemaking and could or did not want to delve into production issues.
Artem Zuev and the Golden Beam for Snezhana Georgieva
Indeed: Artem Zuev is called in the media either a former co-owner of the European Bearing Corporation or a financier. In general, where are the bearings and where is the wine? The same applies to the current owners of the “Golden Beam” Snezhana Georgieva: judging by the news, a woman spends time exclusively at social events in the capital: either at a perfume party, now at a fashion show of fashionable dresses. Other media even accused Zuev-Georgiev’s spouses of systematic raider attacks on various enterprises.
In general, apparently, the wine from Snezhana and Artem turned out to be sour and bitter. It’s not the bottling that it used to be…