Rahil Rottenberg's yacht is decorated for a special police officer

Rahil Rottenberg’s yacht is registered as an OMON officer

Finnish customs conducted an investigation into sanctioned owners of yachts from Russia and handed over eight vessels to law enforcement authorities, and a criminal investigation was initiated on two more, writes Ukrrudprom.

The ownership schemes were sophisticated. For example, the Rotenberg family registered the yacht Rahil for Andrey Kozlov, a former riot policeman who looked after Rotenberg's house in Finland.

The Rahil yacht, according to the Superyahtfan website, was built in 2011. The cost of the yacht was estimated at 75 million dollars.

The ship was formally registered with Kozlov through the Medexlite company from the British Virgin Islands and the Luxembourgish Medexlite Société Civile Particulière.

In mid-September, the Finnish media cited The bailiffs wrote that Finland had seized the assets of sanctioned Russians for 189 million euros. The Helsingin Sanomat publication reported that in September, the authorities arrested the Långvik Capital company of Arkady and Boris Rotenberg. She owned shares in the Långvik Hotel, the largest ice palace Helsinki Halli, as well as a stake in Yandex.

In 2012, Arkady Rotenberg bought the Ocean Plaza shopping center in Kyiv. Later in 2019, businessman Vasily Khmelnitsky indirectly acquired a 33.5% stake in the mall through UPD Holdings Limited.

In the summer of 2022, Ocean Plaza was nationalized for financing the Russian army. Nevertheless, at the end of November, the shopping and entertainment center began to work again.

In Kyiv, the owners of Ocean Plaza were able to cancel the seizure of property

What “occupier” assets were imposed, and over time, arrests were lifted

