Symptoms of File Corruption
Corrupt files are files that have become damaged in some way. When a file is damaged, you’ll usually find out when it fails to open. For example, if your trusty Excel worksheet suddenly refuses to open or causes the application to crash whenever you open it, it’s most likely corrupt. Not only can data files become damaged, system and application files can too. When this happens, your computer or the application will act up. You may see an error message telling you that a necessary file is damaged or missing or the computer or program will simply crash with not message at all.
Causes of Damaged Files
What causes corruption? Many culprits are to blame including malicious programs and computer viruses, unexpected shutdowns, power surges, buggy software, lack of computer resources (which can lead to unexpected shutdowns), and even operator error. Many of these causes are directly related to the unexpected shutdown issue. When the computer shuts down unexpectedly, open files may be damaged as they have not been properly closed. A power outage, computer crash, or even the user removing a USB flash drive without properly stopping it can damage files. When the computer lacks sufficient resources such as memory, or when it is overloaded, it can crash which can cause corruption. No files are safe from damage!
File Corruption Prevention
Obviously, prevention is the best policy though it’s impossible to completely eliminate the threat. Positive steps that you can take to protect your system and data files include: installing antivirus and antispyware products to keep your computer protected from malicious programs; regularly backing up your data files and creating System Restore points; ensuring that your computer has sufficient resources such as memory, hard disk space, and processing power; using an uninterrupted power supply if you live in an area where power surges and outages are an issue; using a surge protector; removing portable storage devices properly; and closing programs and files that you are no longer using;
In addition, keep your all of your software (including computer security software) and operating system updated with the latest updates from the manufacturer. A smooth running computer is less likely to crash, so make sure that you regularly maintain it by defragging the hard disk regularly and keeping it patched with security updates.
Repairing Corrupt Files
What if your Excel spreadsheet won’t open? What if your operating system is suffering from a damaged or missing a crucial system file? How do you recover from corruption? The answer depends on the type of damaged file.
If it’s a damaged system file, you may be able to roll back your system to its previous state by using System Restore. You may need to use the operating system’s repair utility which is often found on the original installation disc. You might be able to use the System File Checker to scan your operating system for missing or damaged files. If the corruption originates with a program, the program may have a built-in repair tool. For example, Microsoft Office has such a utility. If not, reinstalling the program should do the trick. Damaged data files are trickier. However, some damaged files can be recovered. For example, Microsoft Office has a “Open and Recover” tool built into its products.
File corruption is a real threat. Do your best to avoid damage to your system, programs, and data by taking preventative measures.