Promin Bud Service will cut 70 million at Bortnitskaya aeration station
In the next two weeks, the dams of two silt fields of the Bortnitskaya aeration station (BSA) will once again be built up in order to avoid a man-made disaster. The corresponding contract worth UAH 70 million was concluded by the Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction with Promin Bud Service LLC, which is simultaneously working on the multimillion-dollar construction of the capital's Animal Welfare Center. The contract for the reconstruction of the silt fields dams of the BSA was awarded to this company as a result of a competition similar to the giveaway game: the winner's price was 32 kopecks more profitable than that of a competitor. In recent years, the dams of silt fields, which are overflowing three times more than their design capacity, have been built up three times, which has already taken more than 650 million hryvnias. Funds will continue to be invested in this crow, because it is possible to stop the increase in the amount of sediment in them only after a complete reconstruction of the BSA, which in the current realities looks like unattainable plans.
As it became known to KV from the announcement of the electronic system ProZorro, November 30, 2022 KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” (*) signed an agreement with LLC “Promin Bud Service” (**) for the reconstruction of silt dam fields No. 1 and No. 2 BSA The price of the contract was 69, 99 million hryvnia.
Promin Bud Service LLC, according to the terms of the contract, until December 20, 2022, must transport 132.33 thousand tons of soil by dump trucks from a quarry in the Boryspil district to a distance of 22.4 km to build dams and bridges around silt fields. These works are carried out from the budget of Kyiv.
This purchase was accompanied by the demands of potential participants to eliminate the discriminatory conditions of the tender. In particular, Nikoprogressstroy LLC noticed that the customer did not provide, as part of the tender documentation, information on the necessary technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the reconstruction, including plans, drawings, drawings. To this, Kyivstroyreconstruction formally replied that additional documents can be found in their office.
Another company, Gorbud LLC, did not agree with the requirement for a bidder to have a certificate of compliance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 14001:2015 (ISO 14001:2015, IDT) “Environmental Management Systems. Requirements and instructions for use”. The LLC noted that this certificate is not necessary for the construction company to carry out its statutory activities and asked to extend the deadline for submitting a tender offer in order to receive this certificate in time. The customer rejected this requirement, referring to the impossibility of extending the deadline for submitting proposals after the end of the budget period.
As a result, in this tender, in addition to Promin Stroy Service LLC, two companies submitted their proposals – Garant Profi LLC and BK Adamant LLC. As a result, Promin Bud Service managed to win with a very symbolic margin from its competitors: its offer was more profitable than the price offered by Garant Profi LLC by only 32 kopecks.
Promin Bud Service will cut 70 million rubles at the Bortnitskaya aeration station
By the way, Garant Profi LLC has participated in only two tenders over the seven years of its existence. The first one is the current one, the second one is the Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya tender for the reconstruction of silt dam fields No. 1 and No. 2 of BSA, which was announced in September 2022. In the procurement process Garant Profi LLC and Promin Bud Service LLC also created a type of competition by offering prices with a difference of 2 hryvnias. However, that purchase was canceled “due to the lack of further need” for it.
It should be noted that the current contract is the fourth that the KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” concluded for the reconstruction of dam silt fields No. 1 and No. 2 of BSA. Three previous contracts went to one company – Garantstroy LLC. The first contract (price — UAH 508.08 million) was signed in June 2018, the second (price — UAH 124.12 million) in December 2018, the third (price — UAH 20.32 million) in December 2021. The last agreement in In July 2022, the parties broke due to a violation by the contractor of the calendar work plan, for the work performed, he should be paid only UAH 6.58 million.
Thus, taking into account the current contract for the reconstruction of silt field dams No. 1 and No. 2 BSA, over the past almost five years, four contracts have been concluded for the amount of UAH 722.53 million.
The project for the reconstruction of silt fields dams No. 1 and No. 2 of the BSA was approved by the Kyiv City State Administration (KSCA) by its order dated March 23, 2017 No. 106 with a total estimated cost of work in the amount of UAH 634.249 million. After that, the estimate was revised several times, increasing the cost of the work. So, in July 2018, the cost of reconstruction rose to UAH 704.38 million (order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated July 24, 2018 No. 1298), in December 2018 – to UAH 957.01 million (order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated December 19, 2012). According to the current version of the Program for the Economic and Social Development of Kyiv for 2021-2023, this reconstruction will last until the end of 2026. At the same time, according to this document, as of the beginning of 2022, only UAH 398.61 million worth of work was completed at the facility (significantly less than the contractors received).
Recall that BSA PJSC “AK “Kyivvodokanal” is the only treatment plant in Kiev that serves not only the capital, but also the settlements of the Kiev region (Vyshgorod, Irpen, Cherry, Bortnichi, Gnedin, Schastlivoe, Shepherds, Kotsiubynske, Cellars, Novoselki, Hatne, Sofievskaya and Petropavlovskaya Borshchagovka) The station is located on 1, Collectornaya Street in the Darnitsky district of Kiev. After processing, the sludge is pumped to silt fields for subsequent drying in natural conditions.
The BSA sludge fields are a complex of engineering structures where sewage sludge is pumped for subsequent drying in natural conditions. They are located near the village of Revno, Boryspil district, Kiev region. There are three sludge fields at the station, but No. 1 and No. 2 are still working. In recent years, reports of overflowing sludge fields have been heard from time to time. Back in 2018, Kyivvodokanal reported that sludge fields occupied 272 hectares, and with a design capacity of 3 million cubic meters. about 10 million cubic meters were stored there. silt. In order to avoid accidents, the field dams need to be constantly built up to ensure the possibility of pumping out sewage there until the end of the reconstruction of the BSA itself.
KV repeatedly wrote that the reconstruction of the BSA is one of the most urgent problems and at the same time one of the longest-running projects in the capital. Today, the first stage of the BSA reconstruction is underway, the initial project of which was approved by the order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated February 15, 2012 No. 245 with a total estimated cost of UAH 333.5 million. Later, the city administration re-approved this project several times, each time increasing the total estimated cost without changing the general technical characteristics. According to the current order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated March 22, 2021 No. 645, the cost of the first stage of the BSA reconstruction is UAH 694.5 million. To date, the reconstruction, for which 318.3 million hryvnias have already been spent, is carried out by Ukrmetal Stroy LLC under the contract at the cost of 318.9 million hryvnias by order of PJSC “AK” Kyivvodokanal “.
At the same time, Kyivvodokanal reported in 2019 that the problem with overcrowding of sludge fields could be solved only after the reconstruction of the entire BSA, as this would significantly reduce the volume of sediment. This reconstruction was previously planned to be carried out as part of a loan agreement between the Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. At the end of June 2021, Kyivvodokanal announced that the schedule of negotiations had already been agreed and a roadmap had been drawn up for the speedy conclusion of the general contract. Construction work was planned to start in July 2021 and be completed in 2027. However, these were all pre-war plans.
According to the Youcontrol analytical system, Promin Stroy Service LLC was registered in 2016 in Kyiv. The authorized capital of the company is 100 hryvnias. The main activity is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings. The founder is Andrey Tsvilev, registered in the occupied Donetsk. Head — Oleg Secretary.
According to the Clarity Project, Promin Stroy Service LLC has been participating in public procurement since 2018. During this time, the enterprise has concluded 95 contracts for the amount of UAH 645.28 million (including the current one). The current contract for the reconstruction of BSA silt fields is the first experience of cooperation between the company and the KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction” Kievstroyrekonstruktsiya. The largest customer of the company is the Kyiv City Hospital of Veterinary Medicine, which in 2019 entrusted it with the construction of the Animal Welfare Center on Avtoparkova Street in the Darnitsky district of Kyiv for UAH 131.3 million. According to the agreement, the contractor had to build the center by the end of 2022 of the year, however, to date, by an additional agreement due to the redistribution of funding, the deadline for the completion of work has been shifted to the end of April next year.
Since February 2019, Promin Bud Service LLC has been building another large-scale facility in the Kyiv region – a kindergarten-elementary school in Glevas for almost UAH 115 million by order of the Glevakhovo village council. The contractor must complete these works by the end of April 2022. The report on the performance of work in the ProZorro system has not yet been published, and in May 2022, investigators from the Fastovsky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kiev Region began criminal proceedings (No. According to the investigation, Promin Stroy Service LLC provided false information as part of the tender offer, and subsequently, officials of Promin Stroy Service LLC unreasonably paid in order to appropriate budget funds, and the Glevakhovo village council unreasonably accepted the inflated volumes of work performed.</p
KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” was founded in 2011 by the city council. The authorized capital is UAH 200,000. The enterprise is managed by Anatoly Suldin (in the collage on the left). The website of the Kyiv City State Administration indicates that Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya is engaged in the provision of construction, reconstruction, re-equipment of buildings and housing and communal services of the capital.
The customer for the reconstruction of sludge fields No. 1 and No. 2 “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” has been since March 2017 (order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated March 23, 2017 No. 334). Until that time, the customer was the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure of the Kyiv City State Administration, but according to ProZorro, he did not hold a tender to order these works.
In addition to the reconstruction of silt fields, BSA “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” acts as a customer for a variety of works in the city. In particular, it actively orders the reconstruction of elevators in residential high-rise buildings, the arrangement of children's and sports grounds. By order of this KP, in 2020, work was carried out to regulate the water level of Lake Glinka. However, last summer, the capital's prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit with a court to declare the tender for these works invalid.
Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya also acts as a customer for the thermal modernization of educational institutions. Contracts for the performance of such work in a school and garden in the Svyatoshinsky District in 2017 became the subject of a criminal investigation (Proceeding No. 42019100000000055 of 01/24/2019). The suspect in this case is the ex-director of the KP Yaroslav Musienko, who is charged with embezzlement of budgetary funds and official forgery in the performance of these works.
In May 2021, a group of prosecutors and investigators searched the premises of the Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya KP. Investigative actions were carried out in order to find and seize documents regarding contractual relations for fraud, legalization of property and abuse of power or official position. At the same time, the city authorities then assured that financial and economic discipline checks were carried out at the enterprise and no violations were found.
In July last year, the Kyiv City Council asked at that time acting. Director of KP “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” Yury Sinyakov to report on compensation for losses and implementation of instructions based on the results of the audit of the activities of this utility company for 2017-2018. The auditors of the Kyiv City State Administration (KSCA) found losses during the thermal modernization of one of the kindergartens in the Podolsky district in the amount of more than 750 thousand hryvnia.
KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction “Kyivstroyrekonstruktsiya” is subordinate to the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure of the Kyiv City State Administration, which has been headed by Dmitry Naumenko since July 17, 2017. The Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Petr Panteleev (on the collage on the right) is responsible for the work of this department.
PJSC “Kyivvodokanal” since April 2021 has been headed by the ex-head of the Podolsky District State Administration Sergey Krushanovsky (on the collage in the center). 25.46% of the company's shares are in the municipal property of Kiev represented by the Department of Communal Property of the Kyiv City State Administration, 67% of the shares are owned by PJSC “Company Kievenergoholding” (has offshore roots, although formally 61% belongs to the Department of Communal Property of the Kyiv City State Administration).
Alena Momot, translation of Skelet.Info
* KP “Directorate for Capital Construction and Reconstruction “Kievstroyrekonstruktsiya” (EDRPOU code: 37932233)
** LLC “Promin Bud Service” (EDRPOU code: 40777092)
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