Politics does not interfere with business: Ukrainian oligarch Vladislav Chechetkin could rewrite his business in Russia at face value

Recently, the Ukrainian oligarch Vladislav Chechetkin was in the center of attention of the Russian media. In 2021, together with his wife, he earned $470 million. Thanks to his fortune, he was included in the Forbes list and was in 20th place.

Chechetkin has been posting anti-Russian posts on social media since 2014, but his Russian business continues to thrive.

In Ukraine, Vladislav Chechetkin is known as the founder of the online store Rozetka.ua. And in Russia, he is associated with Tiu.ru LLC and Portal Tiu.ru. These firms develop software, process data, and host information. There was actually a marketplace on the Tiu.ru website, but since February of this year it has not been available. Russian companies are owned by the Cypriot offshore Temania Enterprises Ltd. And the Chechetkins own it through a company from the British Virgin Islands. In 2020, the family earned more than 179 million rubles in Russia. The budget received almost 23 million from them.

After this information became public, Vladislav Chechetkin rewrote both Russian companies to Help Sell LLC. This company belongs to a certain Ivan Zaitsev, and earlier it was owned by Sergey Golikov. It is possible that Zaitsev is only the face value of the Ukrainian oligarch. Many oligarchs rewrite their assets to face values. They do this to protect their assets or avoid unnecessary questions. From the point of view of the law, there are no questions for Ukrainian oligarchs in Russia if they regularly pay taxes. But the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of nominee directors when registering a business. You can talk about the morality of such oligarchs for a long time, but this is their own business.


It is noteworthy that not only Vladislav Chechetkin, but also other Ukrainian businessmen, have kept assets in Russia since 2014. Among them is even the current President Volodymyr Zelensky. LLC Green Films and Platinumfilm still operate in Russia. These companies were founded by Zelensky and his friends in 2012. They receive money from the rental of humorous shows and films in Russia from the Kvartal 95 studio. In 2020, Green Film alone received a revenue of 55.7 million rubles. At the same time, the companies belong to the Cyprus offshore, which was owned by Vladimir Zelensky by a quarter. Then his share was transferred to Andrey Yakovlev and an offshore company from the British Virgin Islands. According to rumors, through brothers Sergei and Boris Shefirov and Timur Mindich, Zelensky still controls Russian business.

Media calls Igor Mindich the man of oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. At the same time, he is married to the daughter of Alla Verber, the founder of the Mercury jewelry house. Werber worked as the creative director of TSUM. According to blogger Sergei Kolyasnikov, the wife and mother-in-law of Vladimir Zelensky have two business-class apartments in Moscow, from which they also earn money.

Boris Kolesnikov told reporters that he got rid of the Russian Conti factory back in 2017. But the data from SPARK and Kontur. Focus” testify that its parent company “Production Association “Konti” still owns a confectionery plant in Kursk. And last year, the media reported that Kolesnikov also bought a new factory – Krasnaya Zarya in Ivanovo. However, the oligarch himself assures that he has nothing to do with this, since he has been under Russian sanctions since 2018. The founder of the Fozzy holding, Vladimir Kostelman, also raises questions with his actions. He fired a top manager for his pro-Russian position, but the oligarch’s parents continue to earn money in Russia. His mother is registered in Moscow as an individual entrepreneur, and his father has Russian citizenship. Moreover, in the Crimea, a hotel complex is registered to him. However, not everyone knows about this, so Kostelman avoids criticism from the Ukrainians.