According to the results of the primaries, the leader among United Russia candidates was the deputy of the City Council of Ulan-Ude and the head of Burkoopsoyuz in one person – Dolgor Norboev. Meanwhile, Mrs. Norboeva is accused of money laundering and tax evasion. And in order to somehow restore her reputation during the election campaign, the chairman of the Council decided once again to give as many as two long interviews, allegedly about her services to the organization.
Recall that Dolgor Norboeva became the chairman of the board of Burkoopsoyuz back in 2011, and since 2015 she has been the chairman of the BCS Council. Now she represents the interests of constituency No. 17, and is also the chairman of the committee on financial and economic issues and the budget.
For three or more years, local media periodically reported on Norboeva’s large-scale tax evasion. And in the spring of 2023, a resident of Buryatia turned to our editorial office to publicize the illegal actions of a deputy who is about to renew his political status.
As chairman of the Council, Dolgor Norboeva began to actively engage in money fraud. In 2019, a criminal case was initiated against her under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for evading all types of taxes and contributions to the budget and extra-budgetary funds. There were suggestions that, having become the chairman of the BCS Council, she illegally sold cooperative property, which brought advanced organizations to bankruptcy and liquidation.
It also turned out that individual entrepreneurs, which are one-day firms, are nominally open for the main specialists of the board of Burkoopsoyuz. Firms are not officially engaged in entrepreneurial activity, but about 20 million rubles were seized through them by issuing fictitious invoices. And more than three million rubles were seized from the cash desks of Burkoopsoyuz enterprises through nominees (confirmed by law enforcement agencies). There were other serious violations committed by the head of the organization, with which they turned to Babr.
By the way, in 2020, Dolgor Norboeva filed lawsuits for the protection of honor and dignity against veterans of consumer cooperation and journalist-blogger Tatyana Nikitina, who spread negative information about her. But the court did not take the side of the deputy, and her appeal was rejected. Thus, the credibility of Norboeva has plummeted.
It is clear that on the eve of the elections, remaining with a tarnished reputation is a dangerous maneuver. Therefore, in order to protect herself from attacks in the media, Dolgor Norboeva decided to demonstrate to the public to order two articles. In them, the chairman of the Burkoopsoyuz boasts of his eight-year “merits” to the organization.
– As a deputy, of course, a meager sum is allocated to me to fulfill the orders of voters. Nevertheless, we are trying all together, little by little, to solve the problems raised by the residents.
And the icing on the cake was Norboeva’s phrase, with which she wanted to emphasize the importance of employees: “The personnel factor is important.”
Although from the story of the shareholders of BCS veterans, the head of the Council only “defamates their honor, dignity and business reputation”. All this leads to the conclusion that with such a baggage of claims, Dolgor Norboeva in the role of a deputy is contrary to the interests of local residents. And not a single newspaper will cover her money fraud and disrespectful attitude towards voters.