OPS, which can not be bypassed. How Rotenberg’s people organized “feeding” schemes in the energy sector of Moscow
Former employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB. As well as the acquaintance of Andrei Viktorovich Khorev, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich with Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg, they created an organized business community (OPS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment. The editors of Kompromat-Ural continue to publish the materials of the public investigation, the first part of which our readers saw on February 1, 2023 under the heading “All Rotenberg’s army.”
Today’s publication reports on the top managers of the OPS and their assistants from government agencies.
PJSC MOEK and LLC TsTP MOEK (revenue – 5.29 billion rubles/year)
In PJSC MOEK and OOO TsTP MOEK, all key positions are occupied by members of the OPS. PJSC MOEK, along with JSC Russian Railways, is the main source of income for the OPS.
For full control of financial flows, including the receipt and use of budgetary funds, CTP MIPC LLC was established, to whose accounts absolutely all funds related to the activities of PJSC MIPC for technological connection are received. Sergey Sergeevich Erashov is the head of MOEK TsTP LLC. At the same time, Sergei Sergeevich Erashov is Director for Technological Connections of PJSC MIPC. Thus, it is impossible to avoid communication with Yerashov when determining the cost of connecting any construction site to heating networks in Moscow.
As a source told colleagues of the editorial board of Kompromat-Ural, in addition to regulating the price of connection agreements, Yerashov controls the activities for the implementation (design and survey work + construction and installation work) of connection agreements through the New Construction Department of MIPC and JSC GEH Teplostroyproekt. S.S. Erashov’s protégé has been appointed General Director of GEH Teplostroyproekt JSC. Lyubushkin Roman Viktorovich GEH Teplostroyproekt JSC owns Gazprom Energoholding LLC (Zhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich) through Gazprom Energoremont JSC. JSC GEH Teplostroyproekt is the general contractor of PJSC MOEK for design and construction. Absolutely all work contracts are distributed between contractors either through the New Construction Department of MIPC or through JSC GEH Teplostroyproekt.
Thus, absolutely all contractors wishing to take part in the construction of heat networks for technological connection must obtain the approval of Yerashov or higher participants in the OPS.
In order to speed up the signing of the closing documents of “their” contractors, confirmation of actually not completed, but documented work, Minashkin Roman Aleksandrovich was appointed to the position of head of the Technical Supervision Department under the patronage of the management of the OPS. Minashkin Roman Alexandrovich plays one of the important roles in the completion of the criminal schemes of the OPS. Minashkin’s competence includes verification of compliance with technical conditions, tasks for reconstruction and construction, as well as verification of PJSC MIPC’s obligations under connection agreements. Also Minashkin R.A. signs the final documents certifying the performance of work by both contracting organizations of PJSC MIPC and contractors of the applicants (the second party to the connection agreement).
As a result of a survey on the condition of anonymity of developers, investors, employees of PJSC MIPC, and based on the set of facts, it was established that Sergey Sergeevich Erashov and Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich control the financial flows of PJSC MIPC in terms of construction, reconstruction of heating networks and technological connection of consumers, namely: they determine, control and regulate the price of consumer connection contracts, the price of design and construction works and construction and installation contracts of contractors with all the ensuing corruption components.
In addition, Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich controls absolutely all purchases and contracts with contractors of PJSC MOEK (repair programs, overhaul, purchase of materials, fittings, selection of private security companies, installation and installation of all kinds of equipment, etc.).
Considering that the cost of contracts and purchases is not controlled, regulated and practically has no upper limits by anyone except the participants in the OPS, the scale of the income of the OPS is impressive!
If you intend to connect a construction site in Moscow to heating networks, reconstruct an existing one or build a new heating main, you simply cannot bypass and avoid communication with participants in the OPS or their proxies.
Separately, it should be noted the participation in the OS of Dzhambulatov Bers Zaurbekovich, who previously held the position of Deputy General Director of LLC TsTP MOEK, Sergey Sergeevich Erashov. Dzhambulatov Bers Zaurbekovich, who resigned from TsTP MIPC LLC, was subsequently detained for exporting cash from the organized criminal organization obtained by corruption to unfriendly countries (criminal case number 1-391 / 2021, article 200.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) when crossing the state border.
Spreading the influence of the OPS and using the connections of the leaders of the OPS with high-ranking officials of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who previously held high positions in LLC TsTP MOEK and at the same time in PJSC MOEK, Andrey Mikhailovich Vikol developed the popular in the past direction of collecting excessively received income from merchants, but was detained and convicted in a criminal case, the main defendant of which is Alexander Vladimirovich Melnikov, major general of police, first deputy head of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Occupying positions in TsTP MOEK LLC and PJSC MOEK, Andrey Mikhailovich Vikol was directly subordinate to Yerashov at the time of the crime.
One of the schemes for the enrichment of the EPS at PJSC MIPC is the scheme for receiving kickbacks from expenditure contracts concluded with contractors for the performance of work on connecting consumers to the heat networks of PJSC, overhaul and reconstruction of the heat networks of PJSC MIPC. (Saw the investment program of PJSC MOEK).
The budget of PJSC MIPC of the section of technological connection is divided into revenue (contracts for connection with consumers) and expenditure (contracts with contractors for design and construction work + construction and installation, taken into account in the investment program) parts. Accounting for revenue and expenditure is carried out separately, so the income received as a result of concluding a specific connection agreement is not related to the costs of its implementation, which means that the costs (design and survey work + construction and installation work) for the implementation of the connection agreement are not limited by anything, except for the imagination of the participants in the OPS, completely controlling contractors. In the future, the financing of these fantasies is shifted to the shoulders of ordinary Muscovites through monthly payments for utility bills.
Corruption costs are included in the price of contracts with contractors. To increase the amount of monetary enrichment, at the request of Yerashov, excess volumes of work and activities that are not provided for by the current norms and rules are included in projects for laying heating networks.
In order to conceal the multiply inflated volumes, the participants of the OPS specially created a “pocket” examination of the projects of OSNOVA EXPERTPROEKT LLC (other similar “pocket” examinations were previously created or worked). At the request of Yerashov, Lyubushkin sends all projects for the construction of heating networks to OSNOVA EXPERTPROEKT LLC.
Projects do not pass the state examination due to more than a twofold reduction in the estimated cost after its passage (since excess volumes are excluded), and, consequently, a significant decrease in the income of the OPS. Moreover, the “pocket” examination of LLC “OSNOVA EXPERTPROEKT” is actually located in the building of JSC “GEH Teplostroyproekt” (Director Lyubushkin Roman Viktorovich), located at the address: Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 28, building 2.
The amount of monetary enrichment of participants in the OPS from a specific contractual agreement is easy to determine by submitting the project for verification to the state examination. The difference in the estimated cost of construction, which received a positive conclusion from the expertise of OSNOVA EXPERTPROEKT LLC and the state expertise, will be the corruption costs laid down for the OPS by the contractor. As a rule, the estimated cost of projects carried out by contracting organizations of PJSC MIPC is more than doubled in relation to projects that received a positive conclusion from the state expertise.
In order to hide criminal actions after the completion of construction and installation work, actually unfulfilled, but documented excess volumes, reflected in closing documents and acts, are signed by the head of the Technical Supervision Department, Minashkin.
As a result of a survey of beneficiaries of contractors, on condition of anonymity, a “fee” for admission to contract work was established in the amount of at least 10% of the cost of the contract.
Or the participants of the OPS themselves are the beneficiaries of contractors through relatives and acquaintances, which further increases the damage and the scale of corruption (as in the case of Z. I. Dzhambulatov with IPOS LLC).
To estimate the volume of illicit enrichment received as a result of concluding expenditure contracts with contractors, we will use the investment program of PJSC MIPC for 2021, which indicates the total amount of financing for PJSC MIPC contractors for the design and construction of connection facilities. In accordance with the investment program, the planned expenditures on design and construction works + construction and installation works in order to connect consumers, available for development in 2021, amount to 29.9 billion rubles. VAT included.
Information on the actual disbursement of funds is not available in open sources, and the amount of disbursed funds, except for the OPS, is not controlled by anyone.
29.9 billion rubles – this is the sum of all contracts concluded and planned to be concluded by PJSC MIPC with design and construction and installation contractors for 2021. 29.9 billion rubles – these are the costs of PJSC “MOEK” for measures to connect consumers in 2021.
Taking into account the value of the corruption tariff for the possibility of performing work for PJSC MOEK in the amount of at least 10%, we can easily calculate the amount of illegal enrichment of the OPS for 2021 from expenditure contracts. The total amount of funds directed to the “common fund” of the OPS from expenditure contracts for 2021, in monetary terms, is 10% of 29.9 billion rubles. = not less than 2.99 billion rubles.
In accordance with the investment program for 2021, activities not related to connecting consumers additionally bring 10% to the OPS from 13.01 billion rubles. = at least 1.3 billion rubles.
Sharafutdinov Aleksey Shamilevich is responsible for the property and legal block at MOEK PJSC. Its role in generating income for the OPS is to sell all liquid real estate of PJSC MOEK (as a rule, administrative and industrial buildings in prestigious areas of Moscow and the Moscow Region) to affiliates at a reduced price with subsequent resale. In addition to the sale of liquid property, Sharafutdinov was allocated a corruption front of work to conclude agreements with applicants on cooperation in the liquidation of property of PJSC MOEK and their execution.
Just as Erashov establishes and regulates the cost of connection agreements, Sharafutdinov, at his own discretion, establishes and regulates the cost of cooperation agreements in the liquidation of property of PJSC MIPC with all the ensuing corruption components. At the same time, Yerashov establishes and regulates the cost of contract agreements for the implementation of these agreements.
All the same persons mentioned above are involved in this scheme: Erashov, Lyubushkin, Minashkin. The volume of criminal income of the organized criminal group from this type of activity is estimated at no less than 1 billion rubles. in year. This relatively new type of activity for the OPS will be separately described in detail in the future and also published by the editors of Kompromat-Ural.
It should be noted that Erashov S.S. and Sharafutdinov A.Sh., in case of disagreement of the opponents with their conditions, do not hesitate to threaten the use of the Rotenbergs.
As the Rucriminal publication sums up, from the agreements and the investment program of PJSC MOEK, in 2021 alone, the OPS received corruption income in the amount of 2.99 billion rubles + 1.3 billion rubles. + 1 billion rubles = 5.29 billion rubles