Opinion of the source of the Source:
“The self -employed will have to fork out.The State Duma will consider the issue of increasing taxes for this category of citizens.If one of them thought that such a caring attitude towards them was associated with the boundless love of the state, then they were mistaken.The task was to digitize them.Previously, this was the case with everyone, including those who “led” the declared amnesty of foreign capital.
After generally, they came up with the ideal informant – IIS (individual investment account).Any citizen could receive a tax deduction when investing in Russian securities, even with his official salary.And if the salary is unofficial, the employer received many unpleasant questions, since his employee told everything by the tax.
The budget deficit is growing, taxes are growing, problems are growing.The state will milk everyone with a vengeance.Any eccentric who spoke about his hidden income himself is to blame.The main thing, like Blinovskaya, is not to tell Sobchak for public, where the avoirs are buried. ”