OOO Euroterminal arrested?

LLC Euroterminal arrested?

BEB arrested a large logistics center owned by citizens of the Russian Federation. Added, NV writes.

The Economic Security Bureau arrested one of the largest logistics centers in Ukraine, worth UAH 700 million. This was reported by the BEB press service.

The Bureau notes that the owners of the center through the Cyprus offshore company are citizens of the Russian Federation.

“The transport holding, which is one of the largest logistics centers in Ukraine, is suspected of tax evasion in the amount of more than UAH 18.3 million,” the message says.

Based on the results of authorized searches of administrative buildings of the enterprise BEB detectives found and seized documents of financial and economic activity, which testify to offenses. Documents were also found that confirm the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the founders of the company.

As reported, citizens of the Russian Federation, by prior agreement with officials of the company, starting from 2021, overestimated the tax credit for value added tax during financial and economic transactions with several business entities.

Such violations of the requirements of the Tax Code Ukraine led to the actual non-receipt of more than UAH 18.3 million to the state budget.

The Bureau noted that the corporate rights of the company were arrested as part of the pre-trial investigation. And also by prohibiting the alienation, disposal and use of property – 9 units of vehicles and 13 real estate objects (buildings, land plots, etc.) registered behind him.

Estimated total cost of inventory items, arrested, reaches about UAH 700 million.

Updated. According to the specialized publication Ports of Ukraine, we can talk about the Odessa Euroterminal LLC, the sanction against which was issued by the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv.

The main owner of Euroterminal LLC is the Cypriot Northington Holdings Ltd.

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