You can’t forbid living beautifully
“Duslyk”, “Akberdino Village” and Akmanai – for some, these names may not mean anything, but UFA1.RU devoted several materials to these elite cottage villages. The list of locations for the cream of society does not end there: we visited one of the most expensive microdistricts in Ufa, named after a peasant who became the first founder of a porcelain factory in Russia – Safronovskiy. Let’s take a look at this picturesque area and find out who owns some of the luxury real estate.
Geographically, Safronovskiy is located near Ufa, but it is adjacent to one of the busiest interchanges – Zatonskoye Highway. You can drive up to the village only along one single path, at the exit from Druzhby Narodov Avenue. But it won’t be so easy to get into the territory itself: all entrances are equipped with barriers that can be activated both remotely and with control panels, which all residents have.

Strangers can only pass by invitation, but everyone can enter the territory: there are no prohibition signs or warnings anywhere. Among the several streets included in the village, two stand out especially strongly: Turquoise and Samotsvetnaya. And they differ in that it is there that the most remarkable, large and expensive houses in the area are located. At the entrance, guests are greeted not only by a barrier, but also by two flagpoles, on which the Russian tricolor and the flag of Bashkiria flaunt.

The streets are not united by a common architectural style, which is why the appearance of the plots and houses is strikingly different: somewhere the owners planted firs at the entrance to the territory, somewhere they paved the path in front of the gate. Because of this, it sometimes seems that some of the owners are trying to win the competition for the most beautiful estate.

The village does not differ in liveliness, only occasionally housekeepers and passing cars appear on the streets. Thanks to the numbers of the latter, we managed to find out who happens – lives or visits – in the houses on Biryuzovaya Street. Recall that the information is taken from the data of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. For example, near a two-story brick cottage, we found the BMW of an Ufa businesswoman who owns clothing stores. The off-road vehicle of the owner of the hardware store was parked in the neighboring area, two of his other cars were parked there, and all with almost the same thieves’ numbers. Even further – BMW owner of a large construction company.

A prominent building in neo-loft style houses a deputy of the Kurultai and a member of the committee on agrarian issues, ecology and nature management Oleg Kalinin – in any case, we found his car at the site, perhaps he was only visiting. A businesswoman lives in a neighboring house, who, according to the Kontur.Focus service, a couple of years ago, together with her husband, headed a large construction company. According to the official website of the FSSP, the company had to close due to debts of more than 112 million rubles.

In addition to classic brick cottages on Samotsvetnaya Street, you can find a house that refers to the architecture of the late 17th century. Moreover, not only the building is creatively decorated, but the gate along with the fence.

At the moment, there is not a single offer for the sale of a house from Safronovskoye on Internet ad services, but earlier we talked about one of the cottages for 50 million rubles. According to the archive announcement, the size of the building is 400 square meters, and the plot is 1300 square meters.

According to the CIAN service, the average cost of real estate put up for sale in Safronovskoye is about 60 million rubles. Renting one of the local cottages will cost about 160 thousand rubles. It should be noted that part of the territory of the village is free, and in the distance new houses are being actively built, which indicates the popularity of the place.

Recall that several large SNTs are located a few kilometers from the village. In one of these editions, UFA1.RU managed to find the cheapest house in Ufa.