In Omsk, employees of more than a dozen enterprises may be deprived of the armor provided to them during partial mobilization. Among them are JSCB Novikombank, JSC Omsk Kauchuk, LLC Gazpromneft-Catalytic Systems, Gazpromneft-Supply, LLC Avtomatika-Service, LLC Neftekhimremont, LLC Omsk Pipe Insulation Plant, LLC “Repair and mechanical plant “GPZ-ONPZ””. The legality of the deferment from military service is challenged in court by the city prosecutor, arguing that the activities of these companies are not related to the state defense order. In this regard, business representatives talk about the need to formulate clear criteria for providing benefits to employees: the involvement of enterprises in the tasks of the defense complex, maintaining the efficiency of companies as the basis for supporting the economy, providing rear services and providing services to the population.
On February 15, the Central District Court of Omsk is scheduled to consider the administrative application of the city prosecutor Pavel Popov. “In the course of an audit, the prosecutor’s office established that, on the basis of nine protocols of the Omsk draft commission for the mobilization of citizens, a deferment from conscription for military service was granted to employees of 14 organizations,” the press service of the district court told the details. legislation, since the organizations did not take part in the state defense order.
The prosecutor’s office did not respond to Kommersant’s request to get acquainted with the content of the claim.
The defendants are the draft commissions for the mobilization of Omsk and the region, as well as the FKU “Military Commissariat of the Omsk Region”.
12 companies are listed among the interested parties in the administrative case card. Among them are JSCB Novikombank JSC, Omsk Kauchuk JSC, Gazpromneft-Catalytic Systems LLC, Gazpromneft-Supply, Avtomatika-Service LLC, Arena LLC, Gazpromneft-Grafitek LLC, LLC Neftekhimremont, LLC Omsk Pipe Insulation Plant, LLC Polyplastic ZapSIB, LLC Arena-Engineering and LLC Repair and Mechanical Plant GPZ-ONPZ. How many employees of these enterprises received a deferment from mobilization is not specified.
Recall that on October 28, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin on the completion of partial mobilization in the Russian Federation. On November 1, 2022, Omsk Governor Alexander Burkov announced that partial mobilization in the region had been completed and that in the future military enlistment offices would only accept volunteers and candidates for military service under a contract. According to the regional authorities, the plan for the number of mobilized people has been fulfilled, but how many people were called up has not been reported.
Novikombank considers claims to the procedure for granting deferrals to employees unlawful. “The Bank operates strictly within the established rules and criteria, according to which they are determined by Government Decree No. 1725 (“On approval of the rules for granting the right to receive a deferral from conscription for military service for mobilization to citizens of the Russian Federation working in organizations of the military-industrial complex” dated September 30, 2022 years) enterprises have the right to apply for a deferment in the conditions of mobilization in relation to critical employees,” Kommersant was told in the press service of the financial institution. “Employees who were granted a deferment by decisions of the mobilization commissions are directly related to servicing enterprises of the state defense order.” Novikombank added that the lawyers “provided detailed comments on all issues of the prosecutor’s office”: “The bank also provided a well-founded position in court.” Gazpromneft-Catalytic Systems and Omsk Kauchuk did not promptly respond to requests.
Novosibirsk lawyer Arkady Shabunin believes that employees of the above-mentioned enterprises, who are affected by the issue with a delay, should be involved in the case as interested parties, since their rights and obligations are affected.
Partial mobilization has created serious personnel problems for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Omsk region, Alexander Deryabin, head of the regional branch of the Opora Rossii organization, draws attention.
“This is especially true for manufacturing companies, which should be drivers for adapting our economy to sanctions pressure,” he explained to Kommersant. “Because after the announcement of mobilization, their employees actively left for large defense enterprises, expecting to receive a reservation there.” According to Mr. Deryabin, clear criteria are needed for granting a delay: the involvement of the enterprise in the tasks of the defense complex, the preservation of the efficiency of enterprises as the basis for supporting the economy, providing rear services and providing services to the population. Among other things, criteria are needed for small and medium-sized companies, which today do not have such a mechanism as a deferment from mobilization.
The Ministry of Industry and Scientific and Technical Development of the region confirmed the problem of shortage of personnel for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Omsk region. In the department, this is associated with an increase in production volumes, including through the state defense order. “Since January 1, 2023, about 900 people have been employed at the factories, and about 600 more resumes are under consideration by employers. In total, during this period, about 5,000 people were hired by defense industry enterprises. The need of enterprises for 2023 is about 3 thousand people, ”Kommersant was told in the press service of the department.