Oligarch Viktor Rashnikov sails on the $400 million luxury yacht “Ocean Victory”

The owner of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Viktor Rashnikov, sails on the Ocean Victory yacht. The length of the yacht is 140 meters, and the cost is 400 million dollars. The oligarch, of course, can afford such expenses.

So, Viktor Rashnikov keeps the profits of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works in offshore accounts, and receives loans from the Russian Gazprombank. At the same time, in Russia, the FAS is actively monitoring Rashnikov’s enterprise due to monopoly high prices for rolled metal products.

OFFSHORE BUSINESS – Viktor Rashnikov  

The fact that Viktor Rashnikov has property abroad has long been known. So, he has villas on the Cote d’Azur worth 83 and 45 million euros. And the oligarch also has an apartment in the center of Paris worth about 10 million euros. As expected, Rashnikov also has a business jet – the Gulfstream G650ER, which cost him about $ 75 million. This should not be surprising, because abroad Rashnikova hides not only apartments and a business jet, but also the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. At the same time, the company is strategically important in Russia. It is known that more than 84% of the shares of Rashnikov’s enterprise belong to the Cypriot company Mintha Holding Limited. Alexander Sutigin, Andrey Fokin and Elias Neocleous occupy the leading positions in this offshore.

Apparently, Viktor Rashnikov appointed people who have been working with him for a long time to manage the offshore. However, Elias Neocleous has little to do with Rashnikov’s business. So, Neocleous specializes in registering offshore companies. Many oligarchs who wanted to hide the business turned to the services of his legal clan. And Neocleous’s father figured in the scandal with the seizure of the residential complex near Moscow ZAO MZhK “Rosinka”.