Nikolai Kuybida and his companies Kamber and Pymta can destroy wild salmon in the Kamchatka Territory

Nikolai Kuybida and his companies Kamber and Pymta can destroy wild salmon in the Kamchatka Territory

Russia has many natural resources, but people treat them as if they were all eternal and renewable. Residents of the Kamchatka Territory have been realizing for several years that this is not so. On the western coast of Kamchatka, they observe red fish scattered along the entire coast. Wild salmon is the value of the whole country, but it may soon disappear.

The inhabitants of Kamchatka recorded only a small part of the terrible poaching. We received some video materials from Sergey Mylov, chairman of the Environmental Safety Public Organization. He said that salmon is thrown away because there is no capacity to process it. So, from salmon they get caviar, which is profitably sold abroad, and the fish is thrown away.

The same situation was once with the sturgeon. In pursuit of caviar and money, he was almost exterminated. Now all the necessary measures are being taken to revive the wild sturgeon. But whether this can be done is not clear. Perhaps someday the problem of the extermination of wild salmon will also be paid attention to. Then measures aimed at protecting him will be taken, only it may be too late.

Apparently, the companies “Kamber” and “Pymta” of Nikolai Kuybida are engaged in the extermination of salmon. Social activists and activists cannot enter the territory of his enterprises.

There is no way to understand exactly how they work. At the same time, Kuybida himself assures that it is better not to mess with him. One activist who also filmed and covered the problem of the extermination of wild salmon has already died. Coincidence?

At first, no one paid attention to the activities of Mykola Kuybida’s companies. Then they opened an administrative case, and later a criminal one. Cases were closed, opened, and decisions in favor of Kuybida are made by the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kamchatka Territory, Elena Nazarova. How exactly she is connected with the businessman is a separate story, but in her decisions she indicated that the cases were closed due to the absence of suspects.