There were details of the previously published and the telegram channel of the VChK-OGPU History on the influence of the Tomsk businessman and the owner of the fashion store forum from Tomsk Andrei Muravyov on decisions of the administrations of the Tomsk region and the city of Tomsk and in the fields of urban planning policy and distribution of land resources. As it turned out, Muravyov’s roof is the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tomsk region, General [Igor Mitrofanov] ( -za-Rulem-vzyatka-moshennichestvo & rhash = 420924f9815078).
In turn, Igor Mitrofanov is a legendary personality: for three serious crimes – a bribe, fraud and abuse of official position, he received 8 years of a conditional term, which is an unprecedented sentence for Russian justice. But the exploits of Mitrofanov did not end there. Being a conditional time, Mitrofanov shot down a woman to death at a pedestrian crossing in the city of Syktyvkar, after which he went to serve his term in the colony. But the “justice” again helped Mitrofanov – the Cassation Court in Chelyabinsk decided that Mitrofanov should be released after a year spent in the colony, since the court found that he was unfairly replaced by a conditional term for the real term for the real time for the murder of a pedestrian. According to our information, Mitrofanov has a patron from the Orthodox circles who helped him get out of the situation with a prison term. About who it is, and what assets Mitrofanov had to sacrifice for the sake of solving the problem – the topic for a separate publication.
After such successes in the courts, Igor Mitrofanov finally believed in his power and, even despite the loss of the post of chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tomsk Region, continued to do business in the region, using his ties with the Omsk group of officials who moved to master Tomsk. And here is an important reservation – Mitrofanov considers his best friend in Tomsk all the same owner of the fashionable Boutique “Forum” Andrei Muravyov.