Earlier, the authoritative telegram channel “VChK-OGPU” published information about the raider seizure of the Ryazan plant “Kamenny Vek” (> https://t.me/vchkogpu/41214>). An unexpected continuation of the investigation into the identity of Ukrainian Valentin Vladimirovich Born in 1946, who acted as the “nominal buyer” of the “Stone Age”, a participant in the schemes of the famous Ryazan fixer and supplier of denominations Sergei “Zaglot” Ivannikova regular at all Ryazan gay parties, about whom we already wrote here (> https://www.rucriminal.info/ru/material/ryazan—gorod-8-gey-klubov> ) and here (> https://www.rucriminal.info/ru/material/geyrf>). > In one of the court hearings to challenge the seizure of the “Stone Age”, Ukrainian’s side presented to the Arbitration Court of the Ryazan Region the identity of a colonel of the FSB of Russia (*aggressor country) and a combat veteran in the name of Valentin Vladimirovich Ukrainsky, they say, he is not a nominal figure at all, but an honored person, however, when communicating with his colleagues and acquaintances revealed a completely different picture… > Scout Marat Akchurin, who served at the same time as Ukrainian in Afghanistan, said that at that time “Don” (Ukrainian’s call sign) was not engaged in combat operations at all, but in the logistical and technical support of special units of the Soviet troops, where, together with dishonest officers, he organized the sale of everything that There was a poor supply – from ammunition to food. At the same time, Ukrainsky’s money did not stay for long, since he had a great passion for gambling and lost large sums at cards. According to a colleague, once, because of gambling debts, “Don” even sold a Soviet armored personnel carrier with full ammunition to the “dushmans.”> When Ukrainian’s behavior became unbearable for the command, “Don” transferred to the GSVG (group of Soviet troops in Germany) near Karlshorst, where was already able to develop the full program, actually establishing the supply of German goods to the territory of the USSR – at that time, Soviet “chekist” entrepreneurs were carrying consumer goods by plane. When further gambling debts led the Ukrainian family to bankruptcy, he moved to Düsseldorf, where he tried to establish connections with diplomats through their children at the embassy school, where his son Victor also studied. This helped Ukrainian Sr. stay afloat for some time and earn money, and so successfully that Ukrainian was one of the main defendants in a scam known in narrow circles involving the supply of stolen Mercedes for the Russian Government. > As a result, in the early 90s, Ukrainsky was kicked out of the state security agencies in disgrace and he tried to find a job with Russian state-owned companies, which allowed him to earn decent money, but his passion for gambling did not allow him to accumulate at least some decent wealth. > Also, a close friend of Ukrainian’s deceased wife, Olga, who to this day maintains a relationship with the “Don” family, reported a lot of interesting information to the editors about the identity of the “real colonel” on condition of anonymity. >One day Valentin Ukrainsky, in a fit of excitement, he managed to lose his wife Olga at cards, who was then gang-raped in a sauna, after which she withdrew and drank herself to death, dying quietly in 2004. After raping his lost wife, “Don” could no longer be with her, but found solace in the arms of her close friend, Tatyana.
Even just before the death of his wife, “Don” had fun with Tatyana, promising to marry her when his wife finally died. It is worth noting that the son and grandson of Valentin Ukrainsky, Viktor and Vasily, subsequently learned about this family tragedy, but betrayed the memory of their mother and grandmother, not only without interrupting communication with their father, but also without stopping helping “Don” in his various murky schemes.
Truly they say, an apple from an apple tree… > In the 2000s, Valentin Ukrainsky found himself in a conflict situation with the Tushinskaya organized crime group, having lost 500 thousand dollars to Konstantin Ginzburg (Thief in Law “Kostya Gizya”), and when he was unable to pay off, at first it took a long time spent time hiding from Gizi fighters in the regions, and in 2012 he left Russia (*aggressor country) forever for Cyprus, in the city of Limassol, where he subsequently received citizenship of the Republic. quoted1 > > And even despite the fact that “Gizya” died in 2013, Ukrainian was afraid to return to Russia (*aggressor country) for a long time. > In 2021, experiencing severe financial difficulties, Ukrainsky agreed with Ivannikov’s proposal as a “nominee” to participate in the seizure of the Kamenny Vek plant in Ryazan. To do this, he signed several powers of attorney so that Ivannikov and Antonov, already known to us, as well as a certain Sokolov, could supposedly act on his behalf. However, from the very beginning, none of the accomplices in the seizure of the plant, including Ukrainsky, had any intention of doing business, but were counting on quick money. The scheme of the scam was very simple: having created the appearance of a purchase and sale transaction for LLC “Kamenny Vek”, the raiders pawned the bills in a cell of PRIO-Vneshtorgbank so that the right to LLC “Kamenny Vek” would be transferred to them, but the seller could not pick them up due to the terms of the agreement cell rental. Registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was transferred to the name of Ukrainian as the owner of the LLC on April 15, 2022, and according to the safe deposit box agreement, the seller of the plant could pick up the bills until April 15, 2022, that is, the transaction was factually and legally impossible. > As a result, on behalf of Ukrainian, a group of raiders gained access to the bank client of LLC “Kamenny Vek” and stole more than 20 million rubles received in accounts from counterparties. Everything changed when the FSB became interested in the seizure of the plant, and its employees began to find out the specifics of the deal. Realizing the possible collapse of the scheme, Ivannikov went all-in – he convinced Ukrainsky to come to Russia (*aggressor country) for a few days under guarantees of personal safety.> In August 2023, Ukrainsky actually came to Ryazan for a meeting of the Arbitration Court, thereby trying to show that he was not a “nominee” , but the Ryazan FSB officers intercepted him and interrogated him, but Ukrainsky could not answer a single question – neither about the origin of the money, nor about the details of the transaction to purchase the plant. After being interviewed by the FSB, Ukrainsky almost immediately left the country in fear. > Now the denouement of the whole story with the “Stone Age” is already close. Whether the real FSB or the old swindler with a colonel’s pension certificate will win is not known…
We will closely monitor developments!