Nepop Vyacheslav: “animal abuser” from the Kyiv construction mafia. PART 2

BEGINNING: Vyacheslav Nepop: “animal abuser” from the Kyiv construction mafia. PART 1

Nepop Vyacheslav: “animal abuser” from the Kyiv construction mafia. PART 2

In 2014, Nepop went to the Kyiv City Council elections under the flags of UDAR and Solidarity, plastering Kyiv with his leaflets, where he appeared in the company of Poroshenko and Klitschko. Moreover, according to data Skeleton.Infothey knew nothing about it and did not give their official consent to support Nepop – he simply decided to arbitrarily take advantage of their popularity at that time. But already in 2015, Nepop was officially elected to the Kyiv City Council from the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc”.

Nepop Vyacheslav: “animal abuser” from the Kyiv construction mafia. PART 2

Nepop’s inner circle was also settling in in the same way. His friend and first partner in the construction business, Viktor Bilych, became Nepop’s deputy in Zhitloinvestbud-UKB back in 2007, was elected to the Kyiv City Council, where he was a member of the budget commission, and now he heads the Kyiv Employment Center. But the former head of the tender procedures department at Zhitloinvestbud-UKB, Konstantin Fedotov, who was directly involved in tender corruption, has been the director of the Department of Construction and Housing of the Kyiv City State Administration since 2016! Mykola Negrich, the son-in-law of the former head of this Department, Golitsa, has been sitting in the Kyiv City Council for the second convocation, in the commission on urban development and land use. Mikhail Tolmachev, Nepop’s long-time business partner, has also settled in well: in 2012, he built a bread factory for the Kulinichi company (owned by Nikolai Azarov’s son), and in his building on Vladimirskaya-49a, he allocated a luxurious apartment for Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka. In addition, Tolmachev had a joint business in TMM-Energostroy (construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus) with the governor of the Belgorod region, Yevgeny Savchenko (Putin (*criminal)’s confidant). Having safely survived the second Maidan in the Dominican Republic, Tolmachev returned to Ukraine, where he re-branded himself as a “patriot”, but his business began to deteriorate (he owed more than a billion hryvnia on bank loans). Nevertheless, in 2017, his company TMM bid for a tender for the construction of a waste incineration plant in Troyeshchyna.

Vyacheslav Nepop. Battle of Duck Lake

It was with its persistent attempts to destroy the Duck Lake (Darnitsky district of Kyiv) and build another 25-story high-rise in its place that Zhitloinvestbud-UKB attracted everyone’s attention. It all started in April 2015, when a fence was built around a small lake that had been a haven for ducks and beavers for decades, and then dump trucks with sand and bulldozers appeared there. They began to fill in the lake, paying no attention to the desperately darting ducks trying to save their newly hatched ducklings.

Duck Lake, 2014
Peaceful idyll

The concerned residents of Darnitsa immediately stood up to protect their winged and furry smaller brothers. With the help of activists from the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center, the construction was suspended for a year. During this time, they found out some interesting information. It turns out that at the end of 2014, the Kyiv Water Resources Department twice refused to approve the development project of the Duck Lake territory to Zhitloinvestbud-UKB, since it belongs to the Water Fund of Ukraine (that is, it is a natural lake, not a “dirty puddle”) and is protected by relevant laws. But Nepop, who had his eye on this land (or rather, water), resorted to trickery, in violation of the laws. On December 26, 2014, the Kyiv City Council session hastily voted on Resolution No. 767/767, which transferred this territory to the disposal of Zhitloinvestbud-UKB for development, under the plausible pretext of allocating some apartments for victims of the Elita-Center scam. At the same time, the resolution did not say a word about the fact that this territory is a lake included in the Water Fund of Ukraine – because Nepop’s acquaintances at the Kyiv City General Plan Institute got busy and issued a certificate stating that on this territory there is no lake! That is, the authors of this resolution directly violated the law, hoping that later “they will not find anyone to blame.” They even violated the previous decision of Kyivsvet dated 25.12.2012 No. 718/9002, which included the lake in the Detailed Territory Plan (DPT) of Kyiv, as a section of green spaces for public use and water bodies. Well, as we mentioned above, the contractor firm for this development was approved as “Azur-Group”!

Duck Lake, 2016.
Here came Nepop

In March 2016, Nepop went on the offensive again, bringing construction equipment to Utyne Lake again. But this time he encountered more organized resistance from the lake’s defenders, who received support from members of the Samopomich faction of the Kyiv City Council, as well as from the former press secretary of the Right Sector, Boryslav Bereza. Inspired by such support, people began to break down the fence that the developer had built around the lake a year earlier. It turned out that it was in vain, because this fence was “golden” (like Yatsenyuk’s “wall”). Immediately after this, the contractor company Azur-Group decided to file lawsuits against the lake’s defenders for damaging this very fence. The company demanded 190 thousand hryvnia from eco-activists Serhiy Mironyuk (ATO veteran, volunteer), Serhiy Kutsenko, Viktoria Begal and Tamara Kharchilava! This is for thirty meters of a fallen tin fence.

In order to strengthen his position in Utin, the director of Zhitloinvestbud-UKB not only called the police, but also decided to resort to the help of the “titushki” who had previously provided him with their services (at Skeleton.Info (there is information that Nepop even sent “titushki” to the Maidan in December 2013). On the evening of April 19, 2016, the bandits hired by the developers tried to intimidate the eco-activists individually, and on the morning of April 20, a bloody clash occurred between Utiny’s defenders and Nepop’s “titushki”. The police (the new Ukrainian police!) took the side of the developer and the “titushki”.

When the conflict became resonant and was covered by the central media, Vitali Klitschko himself came to Nepop’s defense, trying to portray himself as unbiased and objective. He did a very bad job: the Kiev mayor once again talked nonsense, demonstrating his poor knowledge of any issues other than boxing and money.

After the clash, the battle for Utyne went to court and various authorities. The lake’s territory was seized with difficulty – but Nepop appealed it in the Court of Appeal. The deputies of the “Self-Reliance” Kyiv City Council initiated a draft resolution that would confirm the status of Utyne Lake in the Water Fund and make the corresponding amendments to the city’s plans – but this project failed at the level of the budget and social policy committee. It is not surprising, given that the leadership of this committee (the chairman and two deputies) belongs to “Solidarity”!

In 2017, Vyacheslav Nepop told the press that “this is not a lake, but a reservoir,” because it “is not registered as a lake.” And he promised that instead of Utyne, the Kyiv authorities would build another lake in another place (what a good way to “saw off” a few more millions!).

A little later, Nepop obtained a certificate that this lake is a “swampy area”, which means it simply needs to be drained and filled in. At the same time, he found full support from the majority of the Kyiv City Council and personally from Vitali Klitschko.

Currently, the Duck Lake, partially covered with sand and construction waste, is more of an ecological disaster zone. Perhaps, this is exactly what Vyacheslav Nepop and his partners from the Kyiv construction mafia are trying to achieve. Here, one can only hope that one day they themselves will suffer the fate of the unfortunate ducks and beavers, whose lake-home was once destroyed. However, the trouble is that Nepop’s actions can also harm people, and very seriously. After all, building a high-rise on the site of a floodplain lake covered with sand is a rather risky step!

Vyacheslav Nepop

A few more “relatively honest ways” to make moneyy

As mentioned above, the actions of Vyacheslav Nepop and his current patron Vitali Klitschko brought ruin not only to wild ducks, but also to the animals of the Kyiv Zoo, whose territory was also targeted by the ruthless developer. And more than once. Back in December 2014, concerned Kiev residents picketed the office of Zhitloinvestbud, protesting against the construction of yet another high-rise building right next to the zoo itself. A little later, journalists found out that in the Kiev City Council, among Nepop’s friends and companions, there was an idea to close the zoo altogether, move it somewhere outside the city, and give its territory over to development. This idea was abandoned only out of fear of public outcry.

But one skyscraper did not satisfy Nepop’s appetite. In 2016, a large-scale “reconstruction” was launched at the zoo, during which enclosures, trees, greenhouses and ponds were simply destroyed, and a temporary shelter for cats on the site of the old lion enclosure was also ravaged and destroyed (the fate of the unfortunate cats remained unknown). An involuntary indirect participant in this sad story was the wife of the Kyiv mayor’s brother, American actress Hayden Panettiere (known from the TV series “Heroes”). She herself is known for her fight to save animals, and not only with words and money: Panettiere and other animal rights activists once spent many hours in cold water trying to protect dolphins from mass slaughter. So, in 2014, Panettiere donated to the Kyiv Zoo Tony the Gorilla’s Enclosure. The 16-year-old gorilla liked the new home, but before Tony had time to get used to it, Nepop’s henchmen destroyed it and moved Tony to some temporary housing, which caused real stress for the monkey. I wonder if Hayden Panettiere found out about the horrors that took place in the Kiev Zoo with the full approval and cover-up of her husband’s brother?

Nepop’s excesses have once again outraged the Kyiv public and politicians. Information has emerged that Zhitloinvestbud, under the guise of reconstruction, is simply seizing and clearing the territory of the zoo, having already planned to build restaurants, a hotel and a parking lot there. At the initiative of Vitaliy Chernyakhovsky (Forum for Saving Kyiv), criminal proceedings No. 42017101100000197 were initiated against Vyacheslav Nepop, but it has remained stuck at the investigation stage, and Zhitloinvestbud continues its destructive activities.

The NABU also took an interest in Nepop, opening a criminal case No. 42017000000002616 against the management of Zhitloinvestbud. It concerns a multi-storey building at 2a Dontsa Street, built on the territory of the National Aviation University (the contractor is the Fundament company). But the case was opened not because of a corrupt tender, but because Zhitloinvestbud violated the terms of the contract with the Aviation University, cheating it with payments for the allocated land. And what happened? This case is also hanging somewhere!

But Vyacheslav Nepop can also be prosecuted for other episodes of his stormy activity – or, at the very least, asked many unpleasant questions. For example, how did it happen that he awarded the contract for the reconstruction of school No. 42 (Dnipro district) worth 400 million hryvnia to the Fundament company? And why will the repair and construction work itself (337 million hryvnia) cost the budget more than 3 times more than the construction of a new school?

Or here is older data: in the period from 2012 to 2016, out of the total amount of tenders for 2.1 billion hryvnias held by Zhitloinvestbud, the companies that received the most money were Azur Group (739 million), Inbud (497 million) and Fundament (205 million). Now, in the period 2016-2018, as you can see for yourself, they are mastering sums that are several times larger.

Here is another company that is part of the friendly team of Nepop’s partners: Eco-Stroy-Trade LLC, owned by businessman Maksym Polovko, who is connected on one side with Mykhailo Golitsa and the Puzichuk family, and on the other with Vyacheslav Suprunenko, the former son-in-law of Leonid Chernovetsky. In the period 2012-26, it received tenders from Nepop for the amount of 127 million hryvnia, but these were crumbs compared to the 7 billion (!) that Eco-Stroy-Trade received in 2015-2017 from other municipal firms of the Kyiv City State Administration following several successful tenders (mainly for the repair of the Podolsko-Voskresensky bridge crossing).

But the sources Skeleton.Info They also reported on another “relatively honest way of earning money” for the capital’s construction mafia, formed around the Kyiv City State Administration and municipal construction firms (primarily Zhitloinvestbud). This involves the mass sale of apartments at reduced prices. How is this possible? It’s very simple: Zhitloinvestbud is a municipal company, and therefore the housing it builds (not with its own hands) is also municipal, belonging to the city government, that is, the Kyiv community. Some of this housing is distributed free of charge according to lists of beneficiaries and those in need, some is transferred as payment for land or dividends to construction investors, and a significant portion is intended for sale. How can you not steal government money here! So, according to these sources, the general contractor firm (“Zhitloinvestbud”), in collusion with the Department of Construction and Housing of the Kyiv City State Administration, as well as other officials, manipulates documentation, understating the reported cost of new apartments – they turn out to be much cheaper than the market value, much cheaper! After which these apartments are either sold “at a discount” to the right people (relatives, high-ranking officials, deputies, prosecutors), or sold to anyone who wants them at this reduced price, but with a very substantial “surcharge” (up to 30% of the real cost of the apartment). Of course, officials are afraid to take “real money” from the hands of clients, but they have found a way out: such apartments are sold through fictitious intermediary firms. Moreover, there have been repeated cases when the buyer signed a contract with two firms at once: he paid 80% of the stated cost to the utility company (the same “Zhitloinvestbud”) for the apartment, and the remaining 20% ​​to the intermediary firm “for services”. Thousands of apartments were sold this way!

Nepop Vyacheslav: “animal abuser” from the Kyiv construction mafia. PART 2

Well, in addition to all this, it is worth mentioning another “sin” of Vyacheslav Nepop. The fact is that this director of the municipal enterprise is also a businessman who owns his own companies and assets. However, the point is not even this, but the fact that one of them is the Alushta Food and Flavor Factory, which produces drinks and confectionery. Its co-owner (44.25% of shares) and a member of the supervisory board to this day is Vyacheslav Nepop (see excerpt from the document). Here’s the problem: in 2014, the factory was re-registered under Russian law, receiving Russian OGRN 1149102056179. That is, the permanent director of the Zhitloinvestbud-UKB enterprise, Vyacheslav Nepop, has a business in occupied Crimea, which he, in good faith, four years ago, was one of the first to re-register under the laws of the occupiers. It seems that the SBU should have questions for Nepop here. After all, you never know what such a slippery person can “set up” in the Ukrainian capital! What if he destroys the Kyiv ecology and provokes unrest (the “Shatun” plan) on the instructions of the FSB?

Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info

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