If you are a spectacular brunette with connections, then you are heading straight into politics. It is under this motto that appointments in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine are made. Before the country had time to move away from the appointment of the half-naked, illiterate brunette Anastasia Deeva to Avakov’s deputies, Ukraine was shocked by Igor Nasalik, who took as his deputy a girl to match the right hand of the Minister of Internal Affairs. We present to you Natalia Boyko, who, thanks to her long legs and connections without experience or knowledge, became Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry.
Natalya Boyko: A visiting performer and an eternal student
From rags to riches… this is how one can characterize the rapid career growth of the Lviv brunette. Having walked abroad for several years in a row after graduating from university, Natalya Boyko jumped like lightning into the Administration of the President of Ukraine, and then into the chair of the Deputy Minister. What is the secret of success for a seemingly simple girl from Lviv? Skelet.Info managed to find the answer to this question. But first things first.
Natalya Andreevna Boyko studied at the Faculty of Law of Lviv National University. Natalya Andreevna’s official biography notes that in her master’s degree the brunette defended herself on the topic “Legislative Framework for EU Energy Policy.”
By the way, at that time her father was the head of the law school, apparently, this fact affected the fact that out of several hundred talented lawyers, it was the mediocre student Natalya Boyko who was sent for an internship abroad.
On her Facebook page, the official boasts that she studied law at the Humboldt University of Berlin and worked as a consultant for Environmental Resources Management between 2010 and 2011.
It is noteworthy that at the same time, Boyko allegedly took a course in American judicial procedure and competitive litigation, organized in collaboration with the Ivan Franko Lviv National University and the Levit Institute (USA). And the course was taught in Lvov from September 2010 to June 2011. And here it’s not a sin to remember the phrase from the famous cartoon: “And your mother is shown here and there.” So from the above it turns out that Natalya Boyko was in both Lvov and Berlin at the same time. Was the brunette actually cloned?
By the way, Skelet.Info There is confirmation that Boykov was in Germany during this internship; this is evidenced by the video that came into our possession. This video reveals the fact that Boyko did not undergo an American internship, but was added to the biography of Nasalik’s deputy for the sake of credibility. At this time, Boyko was an Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder for the program “German and EU Law” and studied at the law department of Humboldt University.
Eternal student Natalya Boyko, in addition to everything else, also managed to study in Japan, the training took place from June to July 2015. At this time, Boyko was allegedly listed as a participant in the “Energy Policy B” program.
Today, specially launched information is circulating on the Internet that Boyko is a specialist in the field of ecology, law, labor protection and safety in Ukraine, in particular in the oil and gas sector. However, this cannot be said from the interview that she gave to Boyko in 2012 in Germany. Natalya Andreevna does not shine with special intelligence, and she clearly has problems expressing her own thoughts.
From 2012 to today, Boyko has been a graduate student and is trying to obtain a PhD in Law, the topic of her scientific research: “International legal aspects of the activities of EU member states in the energy sector.”
Secrets of the career rise of a Lviv student
Natalia Boyko’s career is simply fantastic. While still a green student, she already worked as a Consultant on legal issues and regulatory requirements of Ukrainian legislation at the Center for Environmental Consulting and Audit. At the same time, Boyko traveled to foreign internships and parties, but was listed as employed until 2013.
The official biography notes that Natalya Andreevna was an intern for two months at the law firm Noerr, worked in the corporate law department (Munich, Germany), and for another two months she was listed as a consultant for ERM Central Europe, consulting in the field of energy and environmental protection in Ukraine and other countries EU. For another two whole months, Natalya Boyko was involved in projects in the Ukrainian oil and gas sector (Frankfurt am Main, Germany). But, apparently, the young talent was not talented enough to continue her career and gain a foothold abroad, and Boyko went to Ukraine.
Returning from Germany, the student immediately got a job at the AP of Ukraine “Everyone would be so lucky!” Thus, from March to October 2015, Boyko was the Chief Consultant of the Main Department for Reforms of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. And it doesn’t matter that you have no experience or knowledge, the main thing is long legs.
Already in November 2015, Boyko, for unknown reasons, was transferred to the position of energy reform manager in the project office of the National Reform Council chaired by the President of Ukraine. Here Natalya worked for a year, at the same time being also a personal adviser to Petro Poroshenko. It is noteworthy that the career rise of Natalia Boyko and her father Andrei Boyko falls precisely in the spring of 2015. And this is very suspicious.
So, at this time Andrei Boyko became a member of the Supreme Council of Justice (Second Disciplinary Chamber). It is worth noting that in 2016, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law stating that the High Council of Justice is an independent constitutional body of judicial self-government that operates in Ukraine to ensure the independence of the judiciary.
But how can judges be independent if their “boss” received a bonus from the authorities in the form of employment for his daughter? That is, in essence, he became a puppet Peter Alekseevichwho warmed Natalya Andreevna first under his wing, and then seated the Lviv woman in the chair of the deputy minister.
However, there is talk in Kyiv that the opposite scenario is also possible. Namely: Natalya Boyko, being the favorite of the chocolate king, helped her dad, the dean of the law school, find a job. In this case, as we see, Boyko has both a father and a daddy.
Natalya Andreevna’s official biography contains information that she worked for a year as a support manager for the National Reform Council, and in May 2016 she became an adviser to the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, after which she took the position of Deputy Minister. Such a significant event took place on February 27 of this year. She was 27 years old then.
In Kyiv they still wonder why a mediocre brunette climbed into the feeding trough for such merits. On the sidelines of the authorities, some are telling Skelet.Infothat the Minister Igor Nasalik just dragged his mistress to a high post, following the example Arsena Avakovaothers confirm the assumption Skelet.Info that either the pope or the president personally put in a word for Boyko. But be that as it may, the brunette is already actively overseeing issues of European integration, and this at a time when Ukraine is mired in an energy crisis.
It is officially known that Nasalik and Boyko met in an advisory body under the President of Ukraine – the National Reform Council. Nasalik personally invited Natalya Andreevna to take the post of deputy minister. The fact that this position requires you to be at least an expert in the coal industry and energy, and better yet have significant professional experience, did not stop Nasalik. And this only once again proves the indifference of Ukrainian officials to the future of the country, because when Boyko was appointed, no one thought about common sense and the future of Ukraine, everyone was looking for their own benefit in this.
It is also worth mentioning that Boyko comes from Lvov, where he rules Andrey Sadovoywho has already been officially named as the instigator of the blockade in Donbass and is accused of the Ukrainian energy crisis.
At an unofficial level, it is noted that Sadovoy intends to take over the entire energy complex. Is the logic following? The blockade, the crisis, Sadovaya, Boyko… by the way, in Lvov they say that the Boyko family has close relations with the mayor of the city, and it is likely that the appointment of the unknown Natalya Andreevna, right at the height of the blockade, is not accidental.
All that is known about Boyko before her career took off is that she laid flowers at the embassies of the Netherlands and Malaysia after the downing of a plane over Donbass, participated in Euromaidan, in a picket near the European Commission, where the issue of providing visa-free travel to Ukraine was decided. However, there is no evidence that the information circulating on the Internet is true.
Boyko’s social network page is dotted with reports from events dedicated to reforms, energy efficiency and alternative energy sources. And one gets the impression that it was created by PR agents just for the candidate for office. Thus, Natalya Boyko regularly “writes” about her achievements in the energy sector and even publishes photos of smart books in English, which she supposedly reads in her spare time. True, if you take a closer look at their covers, it becomes clear that the books are only from the store and have not even been leafed through or re-read.
At the same time, it can be seen that Natalya Andreevna writes some posts without outside help. All of them are illiterate and completely unaware of the energy sector and political processes in Ukraine. For example, Boyko writes that he believes “in Ukrainians, Maidan and war.”
By the way, the deputy minister often gets confused about the rules of grammar, and, yes, about the general logic of constructing sentences and expressing thoughts.
By the way, on the website of gifted youth it is reported that Boyko is a master of sports of Ukraine in karate-do, a member of the national team of Ukraine, champion of Ukraine, bronze medalist of the Universiade of Ukraine, winner of 4 international tournaments (in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Austria, Hungary, Romania) , World Cup winner (Hungary).
Natalya Boyko. The “modest” life of a chocolate favorite
Natalia Boyko’s well-being can also be envied, as well as her career growth. However, in the case of the young deputy minister, these two factors do not depend on each other. So, while still an ordinary student, Natalya Andreevna began to “live well, yes, make good money.”
For example, in 2012, a student bought an apartment with an area of 139.4 square meters in Lviv. m and a garage of 25.5 sq. m. The purchases cost Boyko 893.9 thousand UAH. and 123.2 thousand UAH. respectively. In addition, the official owns 20% of the parental apartment with a total area of 44.10 sq.m. and 20% of the storage room in the basement with a total area of 3.3 sq.m. m.
All last year, the future deputy minister was engaged in entrepreneurial activities and was able to get rich by as much as 954.3 thousand UAH.
Using last year’s earnings, Natalya Boyko bought herself a brand new Toyota C-HR SUV for UAH 747.9 thousand. At the same time, she managed to put about a million in cash under the mattress. Thus, Boyko declared 9 thousand euros, 18 thousand dollars and 235 thousand UAH. in cash. Among the valuables, Natalya Andreevna included in the declaration an engagement ring received on New Year’s Eve from Tiffany & Co. By the way, the cost of rings from this brand starts from 2.5 thousand euros.
It is noteworthy that Boyko’s purchases and her income, no matter how cosmic it may be, vary greatly. So, Natalya Andreevna manages to spend and save for a rainy day many times more than she earns.
By the way, Skelet.Info It became known that Boyko was engaged in business in 2013-2014. However, there is no official documentation in this regard in the state of emergency register.
Today Natalya Andreevna lives for free in the apartment (66 sq.m.) of Andrey Olenyuk, who is a partner in the independent law firm EVERLEGAL. Olenyuk also owns DYMERSKAYA SOLAR POWER PLANT-2 LLC. By the way, this company is directly related to Vasily Khmelnitsky – First Vice-President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, People’s Deputy of five convocations.
As for Olenyuk’s professional activities, he actively cooperates with one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and provides advice on the activities of its subsidiary bank in Ukraine.
Perhaps, today we can complete the story about the Lvov favorite of Pyotr Alekseevich, who, possessing extraordinary logic and not having a single drop of experience behind her, promises Ukraine a European future in the energy sector. And in conclusion, I would like to note only one thing: God forbid, with such young “proFFessors”, next year at least we won’t have to spend the winter without heating and by candlelight.
Valeria Romanova, for Skelet.Info
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