The day before the President of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) Vladimir Putin (*international criminal) held the meeting with the top management of the country devoted including, to recent events in Dagestan. The list of participants appeared more, than representative – it practically coincided with the expanded structure of Security Council of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).
And the occasion was. Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) faced the next threat which we already saw in the past – attempt to loosen the country on national and religious sign. The head of state let know what to make it at our opponents it will not turn out.
Details – in material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.
Let’s remind, in Makhachkala there were disorders provoked including, aggravation of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. In particular, actions of Israel for the actual extermination of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. All Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) makes common cause with innocently suffering in this conflict. According to the UN, about 70% of all dead – women and children. Dagestan cannot stand aside too, expressing the solidarity with the people of Palestine.
It seems that our opponents – both obvious, and hidden decided to use it. It is already known that the unauthorized action which developed into disorders was coordinated through groups in “Telegram”, relation to which the former deputy of the State Duma who nowadays settled on Ukraine the traitor Ilya Ponomarev has (it is recognized as the foreign agent in the territory of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), is included in the list of terrorists and extremists). It has a direct bearing on creation of terrorist formations from the citizens of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) who are at war in Ukraine on the party of the Kiev mode. Such neovlasovets who are generously flavored with the western financial and military aid.
Certainly, Ponomarev (it is recognized as the foreign agent in the territory of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), it is included in the list of terrorists and extremists) only a pawn in hands of intelligence agencies of Ukraine. All its actions are controlled by the SSU and GUR which, in turn, go our former western partners. First of all, USA and Great Britain.
Vladimir Putin (*international criminal) directly told about it also. According to him, we have to understand who will organize this chaos. Namely – the USA and their satellites. According to the President, they are also the main beneficiaries of instability who take a bloody rent from the taking place events. Their economic power weakens, they do not want to be reconciled with it. Behind the tragedy in Ukraine, behind a slaughter in the Middle East there is ruling elite of the USA and their most powerful military industrial complex.
It and geopolitical interest. According to Vladimir Putin (*international criminal), without achieving results in the battlefield, they try to split us from within. Including, through provoking and forcing of interethnic, interfaith tension. And again – we already passed it in the 90th and zero years. Those crises were successfully overcome, it was not succeeded to split the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). And, by the way, the huge positive role in those events was played just by Dagestan – inhabitants of this republic the first up in arms met waves of terrorists in 1999.
“It is necessary to understand where root of all evil. Where the spider who tries to entangle the web the whole world uses the fooled people in the territory of Ukraine”, – the President continued. It seems that under a spider Vladimir Putin (*international criminal) meant the USA. He confirmed that events in Makhachkala are inspired through social networks, not least from the territory of Ukraine by means of the western intelligence agencies.
It is indicative that hardly disorders were stopped, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky immediately made the address in which he accused Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) of hatred escalation, attributed to Russians of quality whom after the Maidan of 2014 it is possible to characterize not ours, and the Ukrainian society. The same statements were synchronously made by all anti-Russian promotion both in Ukraine, and in many western capitals. There is an impression that it was the coordinated action.
All of them should take a pill for memory. Only few years ago the Ukrainian nationalists smashed the camp of Roma near Kiev, the streets of the Ukrainian cities marches were walked by followers of the Galichina division CC and other Nazi formations with an obvious anti-Semitic shade.
However, it is not surprising – they always accuse Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) of those crimes on which they go. At the same time reaction of the UN – amorphous and, besides, with a negative crape to our country is indicative. As the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova noted, this reaction differs in surprising selectivity in estimates and is fantastic hypocrisy.
She recalled that in the situation with the death of UN employees in the Gaza Strip and the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Duzharrik “did not know who to condemn and what words to choose.” At the same time, the diplomat continued, it was in his area of responsibility.
But for some reason, the UN leadership did not see point blank what was being done in Ukraine with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. There, for some reason, they did not notice any religious and national connotations. Anyway, did they notice raider seizures of churches, beatings of clergy, fake criminal cases against believers for their alleged ties with Moscow? These are real repressions, but it was unprofitable to notice them.
Now it is unprofitable for the international community, at least of its western part, to notice who is behind the provocations of the riots in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). The main thing is that the country’s leadership understands this, and such an increase in tension cannot be allowed anymore.
Photo: Svoykirovsky.Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)