The Krasnodar Territory is a very tasty morsel for all sorts of newcomers represented by officials of various levels and businesses that are looking for support in Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Not only can Sochi be almost completely renamed New Moscow, but other parts of the Kuban are also of interest to the center. Okay, Sochi, since Soviet times, this city could be called Kuban with a stretch. He always enjoyed all-Union, and then federal support, and issues there were often resolved directly from Moscow. But I would not want to give other regions of the region at the mercy of alien businessmen.
According to high-level officials from Moscow, the governor of a region like the Kuban must be constantly “in good shape.” It should not have great popularity among the people, but be replaced at any time. And even despite the fact that the region, under him, got rid of a huge part of the public debt in five years following the results of the imposed (let’s be frank) Olympics, increased funding for social programs by 30% and almost tripled (!) the amount of funds that are allocated for the construction and repair of municipal institutions (here and schools, and kindergartens, and health facilities). But even with such indicators, the governor needs to “throw” problems and negativity so that he does not relax.
And where are these problems to be “digged up” if the governor himself does not give particular reasons? That’s right – among his subordinates. Thus, a negative connotation of what is happening in a particular region is often created. The governor achieves high performance, implements state programs, and so on, but something needs to be hooked on him? Attention is drawn to the “retinue”. There are scandals with developers, and the public debt is constantly dragged along, and the heads of districts and cities are constantly “naughty”. But few people write and report that the problem with developers is being solved to such an extent that it is not solved anywhere else in Russia (we do not take into account Moscow and St. Petersburg), and the public debt of the Kuban has decreased over five years from 145 to 99 billion rubles. Show the region where problems are solved so effectively.
As for the problems with the heads of some districts and municipalities, there is work to be done, and work is underway. Someone is being expelled with a bang on free bread, accompanying these dismissals with criminal cases, while someone still rests with his feet and hands, bound by obligations almost with crime. But these citizens, we are sure, will not last long. But it is on them that envious people from the center and other regions pay attention. Like, that’s who warmed up in the Kuban.
However, if so, then the claims must be made to the very retinue, part of which held their posts under the previous leadership, and was not directly appointed by the current head. There are a lot of nuances here, and the saying that “the retinue makes the king” does not work at all. If the leader appointed them all personally out of personal motives, this is one thing. And when most of them are henchmen of various forces in the region and beyond, this is a completely different conversation. In any case, we will see what happens next. The Krasnodar Territory is a leader in many respects among Russian regions, which indicates the correctness of the chosen course, and it will be difficult for ill-wishers to do something about it.
Original editorial material prepared to give the necessary shades to the current agenda. It helps to understand who is who and what is passionate about in the complex field of regional business, social and political activities.
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