According to a source, an audit is currently underway against the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory regarding the bizarre development of forest fund lands.
The subject of verification is extremely sensitive personally for the Kuban Minister of Nature Sergei Eremin.
In 2018, by his decision (replacing the Government of the Russian Federation), he withdrew 3.6 hectares of forest crops and the forest-park part of the green areas of the city of Krasnodar from the forest fund lands, directly adjacent to the household at the address “Demina street, 2”.

The piquancy of the situation lies in the fact that this house is located on a land plot 23:43:0135045 with an initial area of 823 m², which was granted on March 25, 2003 by the Decree of the Administration of Krasnodar No. 543 Eremina Natalia – the wife of Sergey Eremin.
Over time (one’s own hand is the lord), the plots “cut out” from the forest fund turned out to be fenced with one fence with the house of Sergei Eremin.
According to the source of, the version of the initiator of the check about the “re-grading of the land” to the members of the Commission is quite convincing and is now considered as the main one: after the appointment of Eremin as a minister, areas of the floodplain forest that were personally interesting for Eremin were “erased” from forest tablets, and comparable in area and inconveniences unaccounted for by the cadastre were named forest fund lands on forest tablets.
Thus, if the land area of the forest fund has not changed quantitatively, then it has suffered a lot qualitatively: the price for inconveniences included by Eremin in the forest fund is a “cap of crackers” for 100 hectares; on the other hand, every hundred square meters of land “stuck” to Natalya Eremin’s house, which Sergey Eremin “erased” from the forest plots, cannot be bought for less than a million rubles.
The multiplication of 3.6 hectares of forest land that has been removed from the ownership of the Russian Federation, which the Minister of Nature Eremin “cut out” from the forest fund, by the market price, as a result, led to the arrival of the commission of the Federal Forestry Agency (FALHA).
Why, one wonders, are officials from Moscow dealing with this issue, and not the law enforcement agencies of the Krasnodar Territory? Because the former prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory Sergey Eremin is today not only the Minister of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, but also part-time brother-in-law of Ustinov – Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.