Media: oil price ceiling could boost Russia’s revenues

Photo: RIA Novosti

Reviewer oil price Irina Slav believes that if an oil price ceiling is introduced, then Russia can benefit from this.

Irina Slav believes that if the West imposes restrictions on the price of oil from Russia, this will not deprive the Russian side of raw material revenues, but will have the opposite effect – it will increase them. Reporter reports this DOPs with reference to RIA News”.

The observer notes that the Russian side warned against setting a price ceiling and warned about the termination of supplies to states that would support this idea.

Recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on this topic.

He declaredthat what the price ceiling will be – Russia is not interested in this, since the Russian Federation will negotiate with partners directly, and partners who continue to cooperate with Moscow will not look around at these ceilings.

According to the pressthe EU member states today can agree on a ceiling on oil prices in the region of 60 dollars per barrel.