The source of the Source about who will answer for swimming tankers-slats standing like a used Lada Kalina:
“More than a month has passed after [the fault of the 212nd tanker] ( and the release for the release of The coastal scope of the 239th. In mid -January, the Novorossiysk Transport Prosecutor’s Office was able to indicate their position. Having looked not only at the attractive future of the crucifixion of the captains in the courts, but also having made a statement that “owners of the Volgonft-212 tankers and Volnoneft-239-Kama Shipping (Perm) and Volgatransneft (Moscow) should be involved in administrative responsibility for violation of the requirements of technical regions. ” I wonder which if all the documents for the steamers were? The Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory accepted the production of five claims to bring administrative responsibility under part 2 of Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (violation of the requirements of technical regulations) to the owners of the sunken courts. It can be predicted that in claims in tens, and most likely in hundreds, billions of rubles for damages, the same persons will also be indicated.
And now dances with a tambourine have begun. Literally, a matter of hours before the prosecutor’s claim there was information about the difficult financial situation “Kama Shipping”. It turned out that the Volga -Bunker company, the Volgaatransneft competitive creditor (which is a volgonft -239 shipowner) intends to apply to the arbitration court with a statement on the declaration of the debtor bankrupt. This information was promptly published in the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities. From the point of view of the crooked Russian business logic, everything is logical here: we declare off the offices bankrupt, and from bankrupt and bribes are smooth.
The investigation would rummage in the documents of all these offices. A lot of interesting things could be found. Curious, for example, the figures of the file cabinet of arbitration affairs. Back in February 2024, the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied The lawsuit of the Volga-Bunker on the recovery from Volgatransneft 6.5 million rubles. According to the sales contracts concluded in 2022, the sales of Six vessels Volgonft are 164, worth 1, 16 million rubles, VN206 (1 million rubles), VN-208 (1.026 million rubles), NE-219 (1.084 million rubles), VA-246 (1, 085 million), VA-264 (1, 14 million rubles).
Even at the prices given, it is obvious what the junk was purchased. Any of these tankers could calmly purchase some economical Russian grandmother-retirement. She would have a choice: either buy a well-worn “Lada Kalin” or a tanker. Modern tankers, albeit a deadweight of up to 5 thousand tons, cost more than 1 million rubles. Even ten times more than the same, but in dollars. And here, I would like to wish the courage to the investigation and in terms of the role in the fuel oil disasters of the Russian Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry.