The day before, the former deputy head of the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, Andrey Nizovsky, Marine Tonoyan, assumed the duties of head of one of the key regional committees – state property management (KUGI).
Before working in the Vsevolozhsk district, Tonoyan was the head of the State Environmental Supervision Committee, and even earlier, Nizovsky’s deputy during his leadership of the Public Procurement Committee.
It seems that in these positions she could get rich a lot, but hide it from the public: we discovered her probable father, who, as it turned out, turned out to be the owner of huge areas in the Leningrad Region, and even a successful state purchaser.
Details – in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Leningrad region.
You just marvel at the career rise of Lord Tonoyan. A beautiful, young girl almost went hand in hand with Nizovsky to the leadership of the richest and most criminal district of the Leningrad region, having been in key positions in major committees, and now heading, perhaps, the most corruption-intensive of them – KUGI.
According to the authors of anonymous Telegram channels, she is allegedly in extremely close relations with Nizovsky. If this is true, her career take-off plays with new colors. For her, this promises all the greater prospects that Nizovsky is being matched to the place of governor Drozdenko – this is his man, and a whole series of scandals with a clear corruption smell is associated with all three.
Pope under cover of mystery
It seems that in leadership positions in the Leningrad region, Marine Radikovna Tonoyan did not forget about herself and her family. We found a businessman – Radik Serzhovich Tonoyan, who may be the official’s father. And his figure, apparently, turned out to be no less scandalous than Marina and Andrey Nizovsky, because he took out money on credit and was in no hurry to pay off creditors.
In May 2019, after appeals from creditors to the court, he was finally declared bankrupt. This information can be found in the judgment. A corresponding statement was made by one of Radik Tonoyan’s creditors, Direct Investments LLC, which, as it turns out, has been seeking to declare Tonoyan bankrupt since 2017.
From another court decision, it becomes known that a whole series of claims were brought against Tonoyan – in particular, from Anatoly Khomenkov, from whom Tonoyan borrowed 8.6 million rubles. With interest, 9.6 million rubles ran up. At the same time, the case presents circumstances that indicate that he could have had the opportunity to pay the debt.
As a result, Mr. Khomenkov was included in the third line of creditors – that is, he was far from the only one to whom Tonoyan owed money. It seems that he could simply throw his benefactors who allocated funds. As a result, a restructuring procedure was introduced against Radik Tonoyan as part of a banknote claim, and Victoria Markina was appointed financial manager.
Allegations that Tonoyan could not repay the debt for some specific reasons can be considered untenable for a simple reason: after a series of legal proceedings, the procedure for alienating his property in favor of creditors at auction began.
There it turned out that Radik Tonoyan turned out to be the owner of considerable land and buildings in the Leningrad Region, the cost of which should have significantly exceeded the requirements of the same Anatoly Khomenkov.
How exactly he got them is not known for certain. But it is clear that if he really is the father of Marine Tonoyan, then an influential official with the support of Andrei Nizovsky, or even the governor Drozdenko himself, could contribute to this.
Let’s take for example a lot for the sale of an entire property complex in the city of Shlisselburg, Kirovsky District, Leningrad Region. The area of the land plot alone is over 3.7 sq. kilometers – this is not just a plot, it is a whole area with a non-residential building of 45 square meters. m. The initial price of the lot is 12 million rubles.
Couldn’t Radik Tonoyan himself have sold this property in order to pay off his debts? Or was his possible daughter, Marine Tonoyan, the real owner of the land?
Other auctions related to the possessions of Radik Serzhovich are easily detected. Among others, a lot with a land plot of 1.3 sq. km, which was used for clothing production in the same Kirov region. And, as a result, it was sold at auction. You can view information here.
Looks like the sale continued until 2022. And only then, in March, at a meeting of creditors, the procedure for the sale of property was completed, and Mr. Tonoyan was released from further fulfillment of the requirements of creditors: information about this is in the Unified Register of Legally Significant Information of the Russian Federation.
Land “schematosis”
How could Mr. Tonoyan get these allotments? Judging by his business activity, there are only two companies behind him with extremely modest indicators, one of them has already been liquidated. Could the probable daughter-official help?
As it was said, Marine Tonoyan held senior positions in the State Procurement Committee, the Ecological Supervision Committee, and the Vsevolozhsk District Administration.
And earlier, her former boss Andrei Nizovsky worked as a deputy to Vladimir Artemiev, the then head of Rosnedvizhimost in the Leningrad Region.
According to the author of the skurkys blog on the LiveJournal platform, Nizovsky allegedly then put state farm lands, forest lands, and lands that once belonged to the Ministry of Defense without land surveying on the cadastral register. It turned out that the land is registered, but no one knows where it is and what its size and limits are.
And later, according to the author of the blog, land fraud with municipal lands in the Vsevolozhsk district was allegedly revealed. Land shares of former state farms (agricultural land) suddenly turned out to be plots within the boundaries of settlements, namely Vsevolozhsk, Toksovo, Bugrov, Kudrovo, and the purpose of the plots was transferred to residential and commercial construction.
Marine Tonoyan herself could have been good. At one of the reports in the position of deputy head of the Vsevolozhsk district, she was just talking about these strange situations with the land. Moreover, she allegedly knew the details thoroughly, was devoted to almost everything – as if she were an investigator herself. It was alleged that she found this out only during an internal audit. Hard to believe.
Nevertheless, for some time after Nizovsky left for the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district, Marine Tonoyan remained in the Public Procurement Committee. And the former boss of Nizovsky, Vladimir Artemyev, is in the Federal Real Estate Agency. Nizovsky himself received enormous opportunities for disposing of municipal land.
According to the same author of the skurkys blog on the LiveJournal platform, Tonoyan and Artemiev allegedly registered all of Nizovsky’s dubious transactions with land and real estate. And only after Artemyev’s departure from the post, Marine Radikovna had to retire to the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district.
If this is at least 10% true, then it becomes clear how her alleged relative (if he really is such) could get land plots. But it is far from a fact that he could be the only person to whom the towers and arable land turned out to be recorded.
By the way, under Tonoyan at the head of the State Ecological Supervision, these same arable lands could be pretty much defiled by business representatives without any supervision. Shortly before her departure from this position, it turned out that in the water of residents of the northern regions of St. Petersburg (Kurortny) and the Leningrad Region (Vyborgsky), as a result of laboratory tests, styrene was found – a toxic substance that is called a “known carcinogen”.
So the more positions Mrs. Tonoyan receives, the more questions arise for her and her subordinates…