As in the city of Kaltan, in the Kuzbass, the head of the city, Mikhail Korbashov, together with the head of the local police, Alexei Shabalin, can “protect” a possible murderer and traffickers in illegal substances.
It seems that some local officials in the Russian outback, who consider themselves “kings” felt “relaxed” to such an extent that they consider it possible to almost openly cover up criminals.
Such thoughts are suggested by a letter that came to the Editorial Office of The Moscow Post bp from the city of Kaltan, Kemerovo Region, from Anastasia Shibrina.
We quote part of this letter: “On July 25, 2015, my stepfather, G.N. Streltsov G.N., was killed. We suspect that a certain Alexander Yuryevich Chashin killed him. Chashin was repeatedly prosecuted for attempted murders.
All this time (more than 7 years) my mother (Shibrina L.A.) and I have been contacting law enforcement agencies (the regional prosecutor’s office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kuzbass, the Federal Security Service), but no action has been taken. We also provided information that Chashin A.Yu. committed the murder of Blokhina E., Kuznetsov V., and also attempted to kill a teenager A. Rozhkov. But instead of Chashin, another person was brought to criminal responsibility … The fact is that Chashin is the nephew of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Kaltan, Alexei Shabalin. Chashin’s cousin, A.G., works in the same department. Burakov”.
As it turned out from further communication, over these 7 years, Anastasia Shibrina went through all the circles of hell in Kaltan, since she found out that Shabalin, even before his appointment as the chief of police in Kaltan, could allegedly be involved in the murder of c. Yeleskina.
After that, Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin began to intensively pursue the Shibrin family.
The correspondent understood the dense situation The Moscow Post in the Kemerovo region.
Not caught, not…
The case of the murder of G.N. Streltsov was transferred to the production of Captain of Justice V. Kilin, who also carried out investigative measures regarding the attack on the boy Rozhkov, which was also suspected by Chashchin, the nephew of Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin …
As a result, instead of Chashin, a certain Shurenkov was tied up. Anastasia Shibrina was informed about this by an employee of the Investigative Department for the city of Osinniki. But that’s where it all ended.
“I decided to find in social networks any mention of Shurenkov V.L.’s attack on Rozhkov and came across an article by S.V. on unfounded accusation and illegal detention of Shurenkov”.
In 2003, Chashin committed the brutal murder of a minor E. Blokhin. He was the only suspect. And there were many details of Chashin’s involvement, but he got away from justice.
What else is known about the relative of the chief law enforcement officer of the city of Kaltan? Chashin, who is registered at the narcological dispensary, worked as a security guard at the Solnyshko store.
Apparently, the chief of police, Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin, showed an active interest in providing Chashin with all kinds of assistance, up to and including employment. It is a well-known fact that in order to get a job as a security guard, a certificate of the presence / absence of a criminal record is required, as well as the results of a medical examination.
But Chashin did without information …
“We asked to check all the revealed facts,” Anastasia Shibrina writes further in her letter, “and to prosecute both Chashina and Shabalin for the following crimes: drug trafficking, abuse of power, abuse of power. But, unfortunately , no one heard us. Neither the prosecutor of Kuzbass Alexander Bloshkin, nor the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo region Igor Ivanov.”
City owner?
“The head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Kaltan, Aleksey Shabalin, is a local millionaire who has at his disposal a huge amount of property, bank accounts for huge sums, a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado car, a mansion,” write our readers
According to them, “Mr. Shabalin was openly engaged in business until 2002, but he did not have such riches then.”
I wonder where these “treasures” came from?
What are the sources of income that allow Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin to live like this for 9 years in a row?

Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Shabalin. Photo provided by the author of the letter to the Editor
As A. Shibrina writes further, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, in her opinion, “protects” traffickers of illicit substances.
According to Anastasia Shibrina, literally 50 meters from the Kaltan police building there is a supermarket “Monetka”. The facade wall of the supermarket is covered with an advertising canvas, the fastening of which allows you to crawl with your hand to the hidden part of the wall. It is in this way that local “dealers” without much hesitation leave bags with prohibited substances behind the canvas.
All Kaltan is talking about it. Police officers have repeatedly received complaints about impudent dealers in such substances.
But the reaction is absolutely zero. All this was reported to the regional prosecutor’s office, and the FSB, and the Investigative Department of the TFR in the Kemerovo region. But the situation is not changing.
As Anastasia Shibrina explains, letters go in circles!

Prosecutor of the Kemerovo region Alexander Bloshkin. Photo:
But the whole of Kaltan is well aware that the chief of police Shabalin is closely connected with the well-known Kaltan drug dealer and “black” broker S. Novorodtsky.
“It is hard to imagine that the leadership of the FSB for Osinniki and Novokuznetsk or the FSB for the Kemerovo region are in the dark about the situation with drug trafficking in Kaltan,” the author of the letter is surprised. “But the housing problem in the town cannot be concentrated in the hands of one person. It requires support both on the part of the city administration and on the part of local law enforcement agencies. And the housing issue directly rests on the personality of Shabalin. “
A mansion on the territory of … a hospital
With whom is Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin “friends” the most?
As it turned out, with the former head of the administration of the city of Kaltan, Mikhail Korbashov, about whose criminal cases The Moscow Post reported back in a post from 2020!
In July 2016, an attempt was made on the life of V. Khakhalin, a relative of Anastasia Shibrina, by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. According to Shibrina, the organizer and accomplice of the assassination could be Mikhail Korbashov, demoted from all positions.
After all, Khakhalin (who, like the Shibrins, received threats) shortly before the assassination attempt went to a bar where Korbashov was at that moment. In the bar, he literally took a few sips of beer, which was brought to him already open, after which he felt very dizzy. There must have been something mixed into the alcohol. He slowly walked home. Korbashov’s people were already waiting for him at the house.
They say that the bar belongs to the local deputy Alexei Gilev, who also “distinguished himself by a sudden increase in his wealth,” as they write to the Editor, “namely, the construction of a mansion on the territory … of the Kaltan city hospital.

A photo: Rusprofile.en
Further, as Anastasia Shibrina informs in her letter, the administration of Kaltan is engaged in the resettlement of people from dilapidated housing. The owners of dilapidated housing, as a rule, are the poor part of the population, people with alcohol addiction.

A photo: Rusprofile.en
But some who have been relocated to new housing do not receive title deeds.
And this process is also controlled by Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin!
Korbashov raged
But let’s get back to the scandalous figure of the former head of Kaltan’s administration, Mr. Korbashov. He, too, has long been persecuting the Shibrin family for appeals to law enforcement agencies.
And Anastasia Shibrina asks to bring Mikhail Korbashov to criminal liability for intentionally causing physical harm to health, which led to hospitalization.
The case was March 31, 2018. Anastasia Shibrina was on her way to the Kaltan city hospital to visit her mother. And Korbashov walked towards her. Coming abreast, he hit Shibrina, spat in the face, after which he again hit her hard on the head.
The blow was such that Anastasia Shibrina lost consciousness. She was hospitalized with a concussion. Then there was an attempt on the relative of the Shibrins – Khakhalin. And the aim was to intimidate the applicants for the ongoing attempts to prosecute Korbashov for proven facts of a number of crimes (money laundering, fraud, attempted murder, etc.).
Korbashov began to constantly threaten the Shibrin family with physical violence.
By the way, Mr. Korbashov is the former founder of a management company that was declared bankrupt due to the established debt to resource organizations. Mikhail Korbashov committed financial fraud on an especially large scale – 26 million rubles.
And again law enforcement agencies of Kuzbass are strangely silent.
Turned the civil service into a business?
It should be noted that the head of the police of the city of Kaltan Shabalin has been serving in the internal affairs bodies since 1994. He started as a senior sergeant in the patrol service, then moved to the criminal investigation department as a detective.
In 2003, he was appointed head of the public security police in Kaltan, later worked as deputy head of the police department and acting head of the police in Kaltan, then as head of the first police department in Kaltan as part of the Intermunicipal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Osinnikovsky” . On June 1, 2013, he was appointed head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Kaltan.
And according to honest guardians of the law, Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin turned the civil service into a business.
“The police of Kaltan is actually Shabalin CJSC. So, not yet being the head, but the detective, the enterprising lieutenant colonel imposed tribute on most of the city’s entrepreneurs, as usual under the pretext of non-interference in their activities.
Shabalin could afford to take the goods in the store and leave without paying. For his granddaughter’s birthday, he received an expensive stroller as a gift from businessmen. He built a house worth many times the salary of a lieutenant colonel, moreover, free of charge, at the expense of LLC “UK ZhSK” Kaltan.

A photo: Rusprofile.en
They also say that Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin personally travels to resolve issues related to the funeral business. He does not allow anyone to enter this business … So a new company tried to open its “branch” in the city, but after the persuasion of Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin not to open a funeral business in his city did not affect the employees, the company’s store burned down …
Shabalin calls himself “master of the city”.
And the whole town is working to enrich Shabalin. Even police officers are advised not to hold funeral weddings in any cafes other than the Tortuga cafe.
After all, “Tortuga” belongs to Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin.

Photo provided by the author of the letter to the Editor
Another lieutenant colonel does not hesitate to protect “black” coal diggers.
But as soon as he learns that inspectors from the Main Directorate may come to him on this occasion, he makes round eyes. And immediately announces that “it’s time to retire” …
But if he “carries”, he continues to do business.
Most police officers in Kaltan are well aware of what Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin has been doing for many years.
But the lieutenant colonel convinced everyone long ago that he had high patrons not only in Kemerovo, but also in Moscow!

Lieutenant Colonel Shabalin (second from left) and head of the central office, General Igor Ivanov (third from left). Awarding the best employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2020. Photo:
A repeatedly beaten resident of the city of Kaltan, Anastasia Shibrina, in despair, wrote a long, very detailed letter to The Moscow Post, listing the most basic “exploits” of Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Shabalin, who “reigns” in a small town for 9 years in a row.
We, journalists, hope for an adequate response from higher law enforcement agencies.