Kirill Pisarev “hooked” on the sail
Where did Kirill Pisarev’s money “leak” from Russia? The former co-founder of the PIK Group of Companies, co-owner (at least in the recent past) of the Wainbridge development group and a number of other assets in Russia and abroad, Kirill Pisarev fell into another scandal.
According to Russian and French media, a criminal case has been opened on money laundering and tax evasion related to the businessman.
It seems to be related to the large overseas Wainbridge project on the French Cote d’Azur. In 2021, Pisarev’s company undertook the reconstruction of the hotel La voile d’Or (“Golden Sail”) in the city of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, but for some reason the work never began. And Kirill Pisarev himself allegedly completely stopped taking telephone handsets.
Pisarev earned his main capital in Russia, including through projects for which money could be allocated from the budget. Could Pisarev launder something in France? And how can Pisarev’s ambiguous partners, like the “authoritative” seaside businessman Dmitry Glotov or banker Yuri Zhukov, have anything to do with the situation?
In 2022, Mr. Pisarev abruptly left the ownership of Wainbridge. At the same time, he is still listed on the company’s website as the founder, shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the structure. So, it seems that he remains the real owner, having transferred the asset to the probable “nominals”.

Many then thought that, leaving the company, Kirill Pisarev wanted to avoid Western sanctions. But he is not under them! Therefore, it is logical to assume that even then the French financial prosecutor’s office could make inquiries about Mr. Pisarev and his activities, which could be the reason for withdrawing from the shareholders.
Initially, the owners of shares in Wainbridge Development LLC (the main legal entity of the group in the Russian Federation) were Pisarev himself (65%), Wainbridge President Michael Belton (25%) and the former co-owner of Absolut Bank Mikhail Serdtsev (10%). Then Andrey Bezverkhy, financial director of Wainbridge, and two more top managers of the company, Alexander Lemyagov and Alexandra Lukashina, became co-owners of the LLC. the people of Pisarev and Belton.
According to the Western publication, Pisarev’s foreign property was also not frozen.
Allegedly, in France alone, he owns assets and real estate in Paris, Courchevel, Saint-Barthélemy. And next to that very ill-fated “Hotel de la Parus d’Or” are two luxurious estates on Avenue Dominique-Durandy, which may also belong to him.
Interestingly, Wainbridge International, in response to rumors of a criminal case on money laundering, reported that they themselves were victims – allegedly, French departments are investigating the actions of former counterparties of the group, who could be suspected of violating anti-money laundering legislation.
Tell me who are your partners
Almost throughout his entire business career, Yuri Zhukov, another co-founder of PIK Group, was next to Kirill Pisarev. They left the company together. And together they must remain beneficiaries of the Housing Finance Bank, which was created precisely to finance mortgage loans for PIK clients.
But during the crisis of 2008-2009, the bank sharply reduced the volume of mortgage lending – from 8.1 billion rubles to a miserable 1.2 billion rubles. As you know, after the start of the SVO and a new round of Western sanctions, Russian credit institutions stopped publishing their financial statistics in the public domain.
But in vain, because then it would be clear what is happening now with the Housing Finance Bank, which in just a month, from January to February 2022, lost 54% of net profit and 4.4% of net assets. It seems that Pisarev sensed imminent changes, and together with Zhukov he could simply withdraw part of the bank’s assets to the West.

But even then, having “its own” bank, PIK under the leadership of Pisarev and Zhukov actively borrowed money from banks with state participation. And where the money went is not entirely clear.
As Vek wrote, in 2008 Zhukov and Pisarev took $262 million from VEB, pledging 12.5% of PIK’s shares under a loan. Later, Nomos-Bank bought PIK’s debt from VEB, while the stakes of 12.5% of Zhukov and Pisarev remained in storage at the state bank.
When the VEB loan expired, the bank started talking about restructuring, to which Pisarev agreed, but Zhukov did not. Unexpectedly, the court considered the pledge agreement for Yury Zhukov’s shares not concluded and removed the encumbrance. How did this even become possible? And is it not worth looking for this money on the Cote d’Azur?
However, the same Zhukov in Russia has many assets that are not related to development, so the funds could have settled there. For example, he is a co-owner of the National Non-Metal Company (NNK JSC), which claims to be the largest mining enterprise in Europe and Russia – Pavlovskgranit OJSC, located in the city of Pavlovsk, Voronezh Region.
Until the end of 2009, Sergei Poimanov was the largest owner of Pavlovskgranit. The company received loans from Sberbank and was unable to service its debts. As a result, Poimanov lost his property. The businessman tried to challenge this in Russian courts, but to no avail.
He later assigned the claim to PPF Management, the lawsuit notes. At the same time, Poimanov claimed that the defendants in the lawsuit entered into a criminal conspiracy with the aim of raider seizure of Pavlovskgranit. As a result, in the United States, Sberbank and Gref were sued for $ 750 million about the “raider seizure” of the enterprise, Forbes wrote about this. At the same time, the owner of the NOC, Yuri Zhukov, also turned out to be a co-defendant in the lawsuit.
And what about the partner of Mr. Pisarev? According to the authors of the website, allegedly at the beginning of 2010, Yuri Zhukov proposed to Poimanov to merge assets with NOC. Poimanov refused the deal, and Sberbank transferred all the rights to claim the debt to Sberbank Capital, which sold the shares in Pavlovskgranite under the hammer. The buyers were affiliated with NOC Zhukov and received a loan to purchase assets from Sberbank on favorable terms.
Again, where is the money? Maybe on the azure coast?
It is unlikely that they went to the modernization of the production of NOC Zhukov. In 2022, Pravda UrFO wrote about an environmental disaster in the village of Novoburanovka, Chelyabinsk Region, which was literally covered with dust from the Biyankovsky crushed stone plant (BSHCHZ), which is part of Zhukov’s NNK. It turned out that the aspiration installations at the enterprise were out of order. Apparently, it turned out to be too costly to serve them on time.

Yuri Zhukov and law enforcement officers.
At the same time, Yuri Zhukov himself was completely detained due to the situation with Pavlovskgranit – back in 2014, according to Poimanov’s statement. However, after the intervention of lawyers, the criminal case was closed.
“Business brother” from Vladivostok
Other partners of Kirill Pisarev are also interesting. Especially – the seaside “authoritative” businessman Dmitry Glotov, with whose company “Areal-Development” Pisarevskiy Wainbridge in 2020 decided to engage in the integrated development of territories in Vladivostok.
At the same time, Glotov himself was repeatedly tried to be associated with crime. As Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes, in the turbulent 90s, Dmitry Glotov headed the local organized crime group Winnie the Pooh. And in his associates he had not just anyone, but the future mayor of Vladivostok Vladimir Nikolaev.
In 2007, Glotov was prosecuted under the articles “arbitrariness” and “threat to kill.” The businessman staged a brawl in the penalty parking lot and threatened her boss with murder. At the same time, he managed to end up in the Czech Republic, was put on the international wanted list. Kommersant also writes about this.
In the same place, in the Czech Republic, he was also detained – he turned out to be a victim of a robbery, filed a statement with the police, where he had to stay. As a result, “negotiations” continued for two whole years, as a result of which Mr. Glotov managed to reconcile with the head of the impound.
The businessman was released from criminal liability and returned to the country. Unlike his possible patron Vladimir Nikolaev, who in 1997 was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months of suspended imprisonment for abuse of office.
At the same time, it seems that Glotov could work well with the new mayor of Vladivostok, Oleg Gumenyuk. According to the authors of the Telegram-channel “Speaker of Primorye”, allegedly enlisting the support of Mayor Gumenyuk, allegedly initiated the launch of the renovation procedure in several microdistricts of the city. And this, in fact, is a redistribution of the entire construction industry in Vladivostok.

Dmitry Glotov.
Its essence can be as follows: using the mechanism of zones of integrated sustainable development of territories (KURT), it may be intended to force the owners of expensive land plots to sell them at a fixed price, the amount of which can be up to 15-20 times less than the market valuation. This looks like a real scam.
People and local businesses, of course, sounded the alarm. They wrote an appeal to the city authorities, in which they indicated that their lands could be transferred to a federal developer for next to nothing. And they meant, just, Kirill Pisarev, who, together with a native of the turbulent 90s, Glotov, “climbed” into the integrated development of the territories of Vladivostok.
Offshore party on Ostrozhenka
However, Pisarev went further – “dragged” Glotov from Vladivostok to Moscow, where they entered into a major project to complete the luxurious Golden Mile residential complex on Ostozhenka. To do this, they created the Ostrozhenka Invest company. And the third, but not superfluous, in the project was the Acons Group of the Yekaterinburg developer Ivan Kuznetsov.
The latter previously worked together with Nikolai Kretov, a well-known businessman in the Urals. In 2016, he was found guilty of the deliberate bankruptcy of the Linkor Group of Companies.
The company’s creditors, the main of which is Alfa-Bank, applied to law enforcement agencies with a corresponding application. Retribution overtook Kretov 8 years after the start of his plans to hide his assets from creditors and partners, writes about this. True, the verdict was subsequently canceled, the case was sent for a new trial. But questions to Kretov remained.
At the same time, the entire Ostrozhenka Invest project was an ambiguous financial structure. In 2023, all three partners abruptly left it – both Pisarev and Glotov (he was present through the Areal Project-4 SZ) and Kuznetsov.

And the shares of the enterprise went to the already mentioned top manager of Wainbridge Alexander Lukashin – he got 92.75% of the company. The remaining 7.25% went to the offshore “EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT, IN” from the island of Jersey, behind which Kirill Pisarev may be hiding.

At the same time, all 92.75% of Alexander’s shares were pledged to Dom.RF Bank – i.e. The project was credited, in fact, with budget money. Where to look for them now – on the island of Jersey?

But through “Ostrozhenka Invest” partners entered more than one project in Moscow. In November 2022, they were going to build an elite residential complex opposite the museum-workshop of the actress Lyudmila Gurchenko near the Patriarch’s Ponds in the center of Moscow. Now all these projects are in question.
The future of Kirill Pisarev is also in question. At least in Western countries, where he, apparently, loves to store money earned in Russia.