Kharitonov and Lalakin at Krutoy’s birthday

Not so long ago, the Latvian portal published a video from the birthday of Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), who in 2019 was sentenced to 24 years in a strict regime colony for creating the Tambov organized criminal group.

Latvia was represented at this event by crime bosses Ivan Kharitonov and Igor Ivanov (now a former partner of Gennady Bondarik), as well as financier Igor Rapoport (Igors Rapoports). Among the guests was the leader of the “Podolsky” Sergei Lalakin, aka Luchok.

And now about our historical picture. In the foreseeable future, the New Wave will not return to Jurmala. But what can be unequivocally stated: she left an indelible mark on the understanding of criminal ties.

Everything about this photo is perfect. The beauty of the Playboy magazine from those very dashing 90s Ulyana Tseitlina. Her husband Alexei Fedorovich from Krasnoyarsk (pictured in the center, next to Krutoy) is a Russian commodity trader (grain, sulfur, mineral fertilizers), the owner of two sea terminals in Yuzhny (operated by Transinvestservice). Incidentally, he is a permanent resident of Monaco, the owner of passports of Hungary and Uruguay. In 2006, Forbes magazine included him in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia: in 100th place with a fortune of $450 million.

As for the guests of the Tambovskaya leader, they close the different flanks in the photo. Left – Ivan Kharitonov (prison hardening since Solikamsk), right – Sergey Lalakin (Luchok).

We state. The New Wave provided a unique opportunity for the criminal world to hold gatherings at a European resort with the participation of musicians from Russian tops. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the ex-mayor of Riga, Nil Ushakov, flew to Moscow and met with the now former head of the presidential administration of Russia, Sergei Ivanov, to try to return the New Wave to Latvia. But alas…