Judge of the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow Dubkov released from custody a relative of the head of Bashkiria Khabirov

Roman Baboyan, a relative of the head of Bashkiria, was arrested on September 3 in a fraud case related to a civil lawsuit for 7.8 billion rubles.

As we wrote earlier, the situation developed as follows. In June last year, the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow satisfied Baboyan’s claim for the recovery of the principal debt and 7.66 billion (!) Penalties under the 2017 interest-free cash loan agreement. The defendant, a certain Andranik Navoyan, was charged 175 million rubles. The Moscow City Court, during the consideration of the appeal, appointed a forensic examination. Specialists of the RFTSSE under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation established that the plaintiff submitted a fake contract to the court. The appeal set aside the decision on the claim. A criminal case was initiated on attempted fraud on an especially large scale (part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to investigators, Baboyan filed a lawsuit “in order to conceal the crime being committed under the guise of civil law relations, as well as in order to obtain a title document.” It was also established that Baboyan had previously submitted a statement to the police that he had become a victim of fraud by Navoyan, and attached the same fake loan agreement to it. The investigation qualified these actions under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (knowingly false denunciation).

Baboyan fled to Armenia, where he has citizenship, and was put on the interstate wanted list. Abroad, the fugitive was waiting for a positive decision of the capital’s cassation on a civil suit. But the miracle didn’t happen. In September, the complaint was rejected, and Baboyan himself was detained by law enforcement officers. At the request of the investigation, the defendant was sent to a pre-trial detention center. However, events took an unexpected turn. On October 7, the judge of the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow, Konstantin Dubkov, by his decision, changed Baboyan’s preventive measure to house arrest. Apparently, Judge Dubkov completely forgot that Baboyan is charged under two serious articles, has foreign citizenship and was wanted. Dubkov also “forgot” that on September 4, 2022, the Moscow City Court rejected Baboyan’s complaint about his arrest and left him in a pre-trial detention center.

According to our information, a week before the miraculous release, Baboyan’s relatives were actively looking for a large sum of money. Apparently, their efforts were not in vain. In any case, one gets the impression that Baboyan clearly has long-standing and good ties with the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow, which not only satisfied his claim under a fake contract, but regularly informs the accused of all actions.