It became known about a criminal case against a gang of social activists associated with the fugitive oligarch Sergei Polonsky
The organization in which they were now members bears the self-explanatory name “All-Russian Committee for the Resolution of Economic Conflicts and Protection of Citizens’ Rights.”
Simply put, they are yet another fixer, taking orders to collect debts, who have managed to join the tide of hangers-on for Donbass funds. The defendants were so keen on solving someone’s economic problems that they immediately fell under three articles of the Criminal Code – kidnapping, robbery and extortion.
Two members of the VKREKiZPG were suspected by Moscow investigators – the now former head of the Department for Combating Extremism and Terrorism Stanislav Likhachev, nicknamed Said, and his assistant Ivan Chakir. The Investigative Committee knows about at least three episodes of their “social activities”: first, the sportsmen extorted from a certain L.P. Tolstov. 3.5 million rubles, the next victim was lucky – they wanted to rip off only 180 thousand from her, followed by a robbery and theft of a car from an entrepreneur.
Said, aka Stanislav Likhachev, is openly friends with Sergei Polonsky, who also does not hide their friendship. On social networks, Said often posts the oligarch’s eccentric statements, to which he responds to the social activist with emoticons. Obviously, the empire of the co-owner of the Federation tower in Moscow City once needed such solutions when “resolving economic conflicts.”
It is interesting that the website of the VKREKiZPG lists three people who were suspended at the same time with the interpretation “for improper performance of duties.” However, a certain Danilbek Matsaev did not become involved in the crime. It is possible that it was he who decided to leak the gang. At one time, the man was wanted for fraud and was repeatedly caught by the police for drunk driving.