As it became known to Kommersant, a high-profile criminal case on charges of the Altai shaman Akai Kine of embezzling 60 million rubles. a businessman from Siberia, under the pretext of protecting him from raiders, got stuck in the police near Moscow. The indictment prepared by her, according to the prosecutor’s office, did not correspond to the actual circumstances of the case and was returned to the investigation to eliminate the shortcomings. This happened primarily because of the position of the victim himself – during interrogation, he stated that the accused did not deceive him, but treated him.
As noted in the materials of the criminal case investigated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the urban district of Istra, Kine-Teyolyosdietias Akai Kim Uuly (aka Akai Kine) was a participant in a particularly large group fraud and was accused under the corresponding part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to investigators, the shaman Akai decided to help businessman Rais Gabdrakhmanov, who specializes in the construction of power transmission lines in Siberia, solve problems. To do this, he organized a meeting for the entrepreneur with an employee of the central office of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Captain Gleb Trubachev-Gudovich, who is responsible in the department for the secrecy of the information used. The representative of the Altai paganism, as follows from the indictment, advertised to the businessman the power capabilities of the Chekist and convinced him to pay for the services of the captain. According to the investigator, the requested amount of 60 million rubles. the alleged fraudsters received in full, but did not fulfill their obligations.
After reviewing the materials collected by the investigation, the shaman’s defender Mikhail Bagmet wrote to the Ruza city prosecutor’s office a petition to refuse to approve the indictment, and prosecutor Mikhail Ruzlyaev agreed with him.
The materials of the criminal case were returned to correct errors that, in the opinion of the supervisory authorities, hindered the issuance of an objective judicial decision.
The defender’s claims primarily concerned the discrepancy between the charges against Akai Kina and the factual materials of the case. As the lawyer explained to Kommersant, the commercial relations between the businessman Gabdrakhmanov and the Chekist Trubachev-Gudovich were described in detail in 12 volumes of the criminal case, while the accused Akai Kine was mentioned only sporadically. So, from the testimony of the victim, it followed that the shaman was only present at his first meeting with Captain Trubachev-Gudovich in the fall of 2021, and all their further contacts were made directly. The officer promised to protect Rais Gabdrakhmanov’s business from criminal attacks, and at the same time solve the problem of non-return of payments in the amount of 120 million rubles. for half that amount.
The businessman was able to finance his defense by transferring money in parts to the bank accounts of relatives and acquaintances indicated by the officer. There were about 30 recipients. All of them told the investigation that they had accepted money intended, according to Gleb Trubachev-Gudovich, to “pay for the work of law enforcement officers”, cashed it out and gave it to the customer, receiving small rewards from him for services. At the same time, Akaya Kine was not among the participants in the transactions.
As stated in the petition of Bagmet’s lawyer, none of the witnesses in the case indicated that his client was selfishly interested in the scam, there were no evidence confirming Akai Kine’s guilt in the materials, and even an expert linguist who, on behalf of the investigation, studied the materials of wiretapping of Captain Trubachev’s telephone conversations – Gudovich, did not find in them any mention of the illegal activities of the shaman.
Finally, the victim himself confused all the cards of the investigation.
As follows from the testimony of Rais Gabdrakhmanov, he did turn to Akai Kina for help, but for a completely different reason – to “improve his health.” “He came once to my bathhouse to treat me,” the businessman explained. To the question of the investigation about the damage caused to him, Mr. Gabdrakhmanov answered as follows: “Whether Akai committed illegal actions against me, I do not know. I am not a lawyer. But I have no complaints about him. For me, the result of solving my problems was important, but how it was achieved is indifferent to me. Lawyer Bagmet, in turn, added that after the intervention of Chekist Trubachev-Gudovich in the situation, the threats against Rais Gabdrakhmanov really stopped.
It is worth noting that the new testimony of the victim and the position of the prosecutor’s office that supported the defense called into question the sentence passed earlier in a special manner on Captain Trubachev-Gudovich. Retired Chekist, we recall, immediately after his detention and arrest last fall, he repented, pleaded guilty and, within the framework of a pre-trial cooperation agreement concluded with the prosecutor, called the Altai shaman his accomplice. His testimony gave rise to the criminal prosecution of Akai Kine. In turn, ex-captain Trubachev-Gudovich was sentenced by the Odintsovo garrison military court to three years in prison.
Shortly before the verdict was passed, a shaman was detained at the Partizanskaya metro station in Moscow and sent under arrest by the court, who managed to hide from the police for several months.
Recall that the story of the alleged fraud happened in the fall of 2020 in the Moscow region. Law enforcement officers learned about the scam only a year later. The ex-wife of Gleb Trubachev-Gudovich, Elena, then asked to be fired from the department for doing business. The ex-husband, according to her, managed a car wash owned by their family. As the author of the complaint herself explained to Kommersant, at that time she and her ex-husband were suing because of two common children, and the defendant’s belonging to the special service “interfered” with a fair decision. “I did not at all seek to send my ex-husband to jail,” the author of the complaint told Kommersant. Nevertheless, the statement written by the woman served as the basis for starting a check on the captain, and then initiating a criminal case.