In Poland, the director of the country’s international policy department was fired for the telephone prank of Vovan and Lexus over President Duda

In Poland, the director of the country’s international policy department was fired for the telephone prank of Vovan and Lexus over President Duda

Because he did not see and allowed.

Polish President Andrzej Duda was hooked by Russian pranksters on November 15, after the fall of the wreckage of Ukrainian air defense in Poland. He said the words, hung up, thought that everyone had forgotten. Duda himself later stated that he immediately saw through the callers by their accent.

The director of the international policy department, Petr Gillert, was in charge of the call. The recording hit the Web – and away we go. Despite Duda’s statements about cautious relations with Russia, the inattentive signalman still had to be fired.

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