In Novosibirsk, 23-year-old Inna Panfilova lost her baby after she was sent to a pre-trial detention center from a hospital.
This story is told by KP.
Panfilova was released on parole in November 2020. She was serving time on drug charges. As a punishment, she was left to do corrective work.
According to the girl’s mother, Inna tried to find a place to work out the prescribed punishment. But she was not taken anywhere, because after her release she managed to get pregnant.
“The daughter was given referrals to institutions where she could undergo these correctional works. But this does not mean that she should have been hired there immediately: she would have been accepted only if there was a place and she was suitable for the vacant position. Inna was ready to even wash the floor in the entrances, even work as a janitor – if only she would be credited for everything, – assures Svetlana, the girl’s mother. – I even went to Krasnoobsk to the housing department, and to the village of Leninsky – I traveled the whole city and its environs while I was pregnant. The last such interview took place when my daughter was in her seventh month. But she was constantly refused: no one needed such a burden.
In December 2021, another ultrasound revealed a pathology – fetal growth retardation. And two days after that, the girl was again sent to a pre-trial detention center due to non-compliance with the conditions of parole. By this time she was eight months pregnant.
“Couldn’t they at least wait a little until the birth? I asked about this in court, they told me that she had no reason not to serve time, they say, there were no serious violations, ”says Svetlana.
On January 19, Inna’s blood pressure rose, she was taken to the hospital, but was soon returned to her cell. “I contacted the pre-trial detention center, talked about a bad ultrasound, that my daughter needed to be in the hospital. But they didn’t listen to me, they said that they would wait for contractions, and then they would take me to the doctors again, ”says Svetlana.
On January 28, the woman was hospitalized, on the 31st, the family was informed that the child was born dead. “I’m sure that if Inna had been on conservation, then the baby would have been saved. The doctors said that the grandson died in the womb on January 25, three days before the birth … If she had been under observation, she would have been examined in time and saved the baby, ”says Inna’s mother.
She filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office and demands that the perpetrators be brought to justice. was unable to quickly get a comment from the press service of the prosecutor’s office.
The press service of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Novosibirsk Region, at the request of, commented on the situation. According to the representative of the department, everything was done within the law. “In order to serve corrective labor, the convict was employed as a cook in one of the organizations in Novosibirsk. However, due to repeated absenteeism, she was fired. In the future, from employment for serving corrective labor Panfilova I.S. maliciously evaded, repeatedly violated the obligation assigned to her to appear at the penitentiary inspectorate for registration, and did not appear when summoned. According to the information received from the medical organization, contraindications for health reasons Panfilov I.S. to serve a sentence in the form of corrective labor does not have. For violation of the procedure and conditions for serving a sentence in the form of correctional labor, the convict was issued 10 warnings about replacing correctional labor with a more severe type of punishment, ”the report says.
Panfilova was kept in a cell with improved material and living conditions, she was given higher food and clothing standards.
“In the pre-trial detention center, the convict was placed under the supervision of doctors in accordance with her chronic diseases. convicted Panfilova I.S. was not adherent to the proposed treatment and did not lead a healthy lifestyle for a long time. During the period of detention in a pre-trial detention center, if necessary, she was shocked at the Novosibirsk City Clinical Perinatal Center. Currently, the convict’s condition is satisfactory, she is under the supervision of doctors. In addition, she is provided with the necessary assistance by the employees of the psychological service of the FKU SIZO-1 of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Novosibirsk Region, ”the department’s response says.