In Nikolaev, a free lawyer “withdrew” from the extradition session of “thief in law” Koba “Rustavsky” – the court summoned a new lawyer

In the Central District Court of Nikolaev on February 22, due to the position of the lawyer, they again could not consider the complaint against the extradition of Koba Shemazashvili (“Rustavsky”). The court calls a new lawyer.

It is reported by the correspondent of “Crime. Is NOT PRESENT”.

As you know, the lawyer of Koba “Rustavsky” Ilya Mastisty filed a lawsuit against the decision of the Ministry of Justice to extradite his client to Spain, where he is suspected of a number of crimes. At the same time, Mastisty did not appear at the meeting three times. In this regard, the court appointed Shemazashvili a lawyer from the Free Assistance Center.

Yuriy Krupka, a lawyer from the Free Assistance Center, at a meeting on February 22, began to complain that there was no information about the meeting on the website of the Judiciary, he could not find a definition on this case, and also said that at 15:00 he had refresher courses. He also said that the materials of the case are quite voluminous,

Koba Shemazashvili said that he wanted to be represented by lawyer Ilya Mastisty, who filed a complaint with the court. He also suggested that his Masty allegedly may not know about the time of the meeting.

The prosecutor noted that Krupka was given an hour to get acquainted with the materials, documents in which are often duplicated in their meaning, and to communicate with Shemazashvili. He also said that he was ready to give Krupka more time if necessary to familiarize himself with the documents, considering it possible to hold a meeting.

Yuri Krupka again did not express any particular desire to participate in this case, so in the end, judge Galina Podzigun decided to again request another lawyer for Koba Shemazashvili from the Free Legal Aid Center. The meeting was again adjourned.

As you know, the JEM officers detained the thief in law Koba Rustavsky, who illegally entered the territory of Ukraine, on December 1, 2021. He was placed in the Nikolaevsky temporary stay center for foreigners and stateless persons, and later transferred to a pre-trial detention center.

It is planned to extradite Kob “Rustavsky” to the Kingdom of Spain to be prosecuted for committing crimes under Articles 16, 74, 138, 139, 301, 302, 515 of the Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Spain.

Since 2016, he has been wanted by Spanish law enforcement agencies for committing particularly serious crimes. Namely – for the creation of a criminal organization, contract killing in France and possession of property obtained by criminal means. He was also the so-called “guardian” of the “crowned” representatives of the underworld of Spain.