In Krasnodar, a man staged an entire special operation to attack his ex-wife and kidnap her children.
In Krasnodar, a man staged an entire special operation to attack his ex-wife and kidnap her children.
They taped her mouth shut and hit her on the head.
Alena and Denis separated in 2020, leaving behind the marriage Matvey and Makar, little twin boys. After the divorce, they lived with their mother, this did not suit their father, and he began to sort it out through the courts. The court remained on Alena’s side – it determined the order of living of the children with their mother and the order of communication between the children and their father. According to the woman, Denis constantly violated rules, and once stole children from kindergarten and for 10 months did not allow their mother to see or communicate with the children.
The children were eventually returned through bailiffs. On October 19, Alena was walking with her sons in the city of Krasnodar, when suddenly a car stopped next to them, an unknown person got out and asked for directions. Without waiting for an answer, he threw Alena to the ground and covered her mouth with tape. At that moment, the ex-husband came out of the car with an unknown woman – they dragged the screaming children into the car. The attacker hit Alena on the head, and she lost consciousness for several seconds, and during this time the trio managed to escape with the kids.
Afterwards, the ex-husband wrote to Alena a message that he had taken the children on a legal vacation of 21 days. Since then, the woman has not seen the children; Denis does not answer her calls. According to the law, the ex-husband had to warn both the mother and the bailiffs about the vacation a couple of months in advance and name the exact location of the twins, but Denis did not warn anyone.
The police and the Investigative Committee began an investigation.