In Germany, a group of militant transgender people attacked the house of the Minister of Justice

The home of German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann in Gelsenkirchen was attacked by “militant” trans activists. IN residences painted the walls and smashed the windows.

Ruhr Nachrichten writes about this.

The attack itself took place two weeks ago, but there was practically no coverage in the media, although a complaint to the police was registered, the newspaper writes.

The fact that a group of transgender people was behind the attack was written by radical left resources.

“The entry in the radical left blog is signed with a call for further radical protests” for the militant self-defense of transgender and queer people. Fight back when we are made second-class citizens!

The reason for the attack is the draft “Act on self-determinationwhich was published by the federal government in early May.

According to the plans, everyone in Germany should in the future be able to independently determine their gender and name and change them in a simple procedure in the justice authorities.

According to the Department of Family Affairs and Justice, the law targets transgender, intersex and non-binary people. The German Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) welcomed the publication of the project. At the same time, radical LGBT activists consider the provisions of the Act to be too conservative.
