In Argentina, pregnant Russian women began to be denied entry into the country – media

Employees of the migration service of Argentina began to deny pregnant Russian women a pass to enter the country. This is reported in the Telegram channel “Argentina in Russian”, the information is confirmed by the publication “Current Time”, as well as “Siren”.

According to Sirena, on February 7, the migration service did not let one pregnant woman into the country, on February 8 – two more, and on February 9 – about 15 more women were detained. Current Time also writes that as of February 10, six pregnant Russian women remain in the neutral zone of the Minister Pistarini International Airport in Buenos Aires.

The Argentina in Russian channel reports that women are denied with the justification Falso turista (“false tourism”), since their real purposes of entry allegedly do not correspond to those named. At least three women appealed to the local court, one was able to achieve a positive decision, she will be allowed into the country.

In January, Kommersant wrote that in 2022, an increase in the number of tourists was recorded in Argentina – from 2 thousand to 2.5 thousand Russians. Many of them are women who plan to give birth in Argentina so that the child receives citizenship “by the right of the soil”, and his parents the right to permanent residence.
