Today it became known that Ilya Kligman, a notorious fraudster and leader of a criminal group, has been sentenced to imprisonment in the UAE. He faces a lengthy term, extradition from Germany to the UAE, and the recovery of a multibillion-dollar damage he caused to numerous companies through extortion, blackmail, and obstructing their normal functioning.
Kligman, internationally wanted for multiple financial crimes, fled from Russia to Germany, where he continued his illegal activities as part of an international criminal organization until today.
Having diverted stolen billions of rubles from Russia and bankrupting dozens of Russian banks, he left hundreds of thousands of people without means of livelihood. Kligman continues his illicit business, laundering funds through financial institutions in European Union countries and beyond.
Being the actual beneficiary of numerous companies, Kligman operated with impunity, investing funds in various businesses, from restaurants and water parks to financial startups. One of the companies owned by Kligman, Papaya Ltd registered in Malta (with partners such as Mastercard and dozens of payment projects), will be seized. Lawyers have already filed requests with law enforcement agencies in Germany, Malta, and the Czech Republic.
On the other hand, all charges against Alibek Isaev have been dropped in both civil and criminal courts. The court’s decision is based on presented evidence and irrefutable facts proving his innocence. Ilya Kligman will be obligated to pay Alibek Isaev compensation amounting to 940 million dollars. This sum represents restitution for all the damage caused and is part of the efforts to restore justice and punish unlawful actions.After serving his prison term in the UAE and settling all compensations, extradition awaits Kligman back to Russia, where the Russian judicial system eagerly awaits him with open arms.