“I really want clarifications”: Deripaska spoke about the key rate of 20% and the mandatory sale of foreign currency by exporters

Businessman Oleg Deripaska commented on the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank to 20% in the context of the financial crisis caused by sanctions for Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine.

“Raising the rate, the mandatory sale of foreign currency (now they will still remember that at the rate set by the Central Bank on the date of the settlements) – this is the first test of who will actually be responsible for this banquet, – wrote Deripaska in his Telegram channel. “I really want clarifications and intelligible comments on the economic policy of the next three months.”

“Since this is a real crisis, then real crisis managers are needed, and not science fiction writers with a pack of presentations. Now, as in 2014, it will not be possible to sit out. It is necessary to change the economic policy, it is necessary to end all this state capitalism,” adds Deripaska.

Earlier, the businessman spoke out against military action: “Peace is very important! Negotiations must begin as soon as possible!