“I don’t know who to run from: from banks or from the investigation!”

OPS leader Arkady Chebanov after the revelations
publications decided to hide his assets. However, there was a small nuance – the property is pledged to banks.

Retired judge Larisa Chebanova demands ”
go ahead“!

Tenderly loving Chebanovs, the notary is ready to pull off this scam, regardless of the pledges.

About the love of notaries for the bandits of the Chebanovsky OPS
reported previously.

Lawyer Kichiyan and head of the legal department of the OPS Alexandra Zakharova guarantee the success of the event.

The director of the Novopokrovskaya agricultural firm, Larkov, was not invited to the meeting. He will sign everything without looking.

The financier of the gang, Yulia Skrynskaya, realizing how everything would end, decided to change her last name to Chernenko, being sure that the investigators would never guess that this was the same person. Such a “life hack” was suggested by her friend Sergey Karpov, a lawyer from Saratov.

The geography of participants in the OPS is expanding, but Article 210 may fall off. At least Arkady Chebanov is sure of this, who is only 15 million rubles. this result is guaranteed

What will Alfa-Bank, Sberbank and VTB say about this feint?

Three acts of the meeting of bandits can be listened to at the link:
Two and