How a manager and an accountant got to power

Every morning in the administration of the Berezovsky district has recently begun the same way – with a roll call of employees – did everyone go to work today, no one else was fired, no one was forced to resign, and where to look at the liquidation list (we will return to it later).

In addition to the liquidation list, there was also a waiting list of those wishing to become deputies for the new head of the district. First on the waiting list was Sergei Sergeevich Zborovsky (well, remember the one who took a bribe with a chicken). And so he wanted to become the first deputy, and Mamedova to have a strong, reliable master’s shoulder nearby, which Elena Valeryevna forgot to look into the Charter of the Berezovsky District. But if the new head had not neglected to read the regulatory documents and did not rely on tips from her patrons, she would have known that she must approve the first deputy with the district deputies. Although, on the other hand, perhaps she knew that she had to agree, but she was afraid to bring the question to the deputies, in case they didn’t agree, not all of Sergei Sergeevich’s fans gathered there. Or the newly appointed head does not respect the people’s representatives at all.

However, the new government completely forgot about respect or did not know at all.

For now, the chairman of the Berezovsky District Council of Deputies, and concurrently the secretary of the local branch of the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party Sergey Valentinovich Chistov was on vacation, the new leaders of the district took all his personal belongings and work documents out of his office without informing the owner of the office.

We hope that upon returning from vacation, Sergei Valentinovich will remember that he left a tidy sum of money in his office, which most likely disappeared after the audit of those in power. How is it possible, you ask, how is it possible to go into his office in the absence of a person, sort through his documents, personal belongings, and most importantly, why such a rush, or rather, who was this office so needed for?!

And this office was needed for another friend of Lena’s. She even created a new position for him in the structure – deputy head of the district for support issues. It was necessary to thank Comrade Gronsky, who so diligently played the role of a technical candidate at the competition for the head of the district, how could he not acknowledge the merits of a person for this.

Let’s return to the liquidation list. In this list, Sergei Sergeevich Zborovsky, while still a manager, oh, the director of MKU “POTIKHOMU”, included people who he did not like and who needed to be fired first. So to speak, remove away those who can notice the petty corruption of the new leaders. Sergeich doesn’t shy away from poking his nose into his old garden; our beloved deputy has begun to keep an eye on drivers who might stupidly blurt out that their beloved wife, who has nothing to do with the administration, is being driven around on her personal business in official vehicles during working hours, using budget gasoline .

As they say, a grocery store and a nail salon won’t come by themselves; you can’t do without a car. What if the drivers discuss this with no one, measures must be taken quickly, notice forms for dismissal are always at hand! Otherwise, after such scandals, neither my wife nor my friends can be taken for a ride at the budget expense. It’s good that now you don’t have to bear responsibility for this, because the fleet is now in the operational use of Sergeich’s friend – Zhenya Golyginain case of boiling, he is to blame.

Let’s see how independence ends Elena Mamedova in deciding personnel issues, it is still obvious that she does not understand that leading a district is not adding up numbers and not mastering budgets. It would be better if Elena Valerievna, like Vitman, sawed circles and met people.

And, of course, Sergei Sergeevich, the first deputy is still not a fool, it’s not fun to sit in the office with cognac and dream of how to demolish Elena Valerievna in order to take her place.

#Elena Mamedova#Sergei Zborovsky#Sergey Chistov