Heads of state institutions are invited to ban doing business

The Duma of the Astrakhan region came up with a legislative initiative to introduce a ban on doing business and any other paid activity for heads of state institutions.

The Duma of the Astrakhan region sent a legislative initiative to the State Duma, which involves the introduction of a ban on business and any other paid activity for heads of state institutions (with the exception of scientific, educational and creative).

Astrakhan deputies want to amend the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, supplementing it with an article “Prohibitions imposed on heads of state (municipal) institutions.” This article should state that the heads of state institutions do not have the right to do business and work in combination at another job. An exception will be teaching, scientific, creative activities.

The authors of the legislative initiative believe that its implementation will eliminate the occurrence of a conflict of interest when the head of a state or municipal institution acts in the interests of other persons, commercial or non-profit organizations, as well as authorities. In their opinion, such a negative practice is now widespread throughout Russia and causes serious harm to the interests of the state.

It should be noted that at the moment, restrictions similar to those proposed apply to civil servants, notaries, and judges.