Heads are flying in regional construction departments


The regional ministries of housing and communal services and construction are in a fever. Recently, key figures have changed in several local departments at once. Kickbacks, schemes with contractors, delays in project deadlines – this is not a complete list of claims against the offending functionaries.

Over the past few months, “heads flew” at once in several regional construction ministries and departments responsible for housing and communal services. Construction and communal functionaries have been replaced in the Ryazan region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, and Bashkiria. A serious scandal is gaining momentum in the Ministry of Construction of Udmurtia. And everywhere, in fact, the same thing happens. That is, the problem is clearly systemic.

Rotation of performers

In early August, the minister of fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services lost their seats in the Ryazan region Dmitry Ustinov, as well as acting Head of the Regional Capital Repair Fund Vitaly Dubrovin.

“The main reason is the unsatisfactory results of the overhaul, the contracting of contractors for the current year has not been completed. Colleagues were given time and opportunity to correct the situation. Given the social significance of this work, tough decisions are needed. Catch up on the lost fund and the ministry will be in “manual mode”– the governor of the Ryazan region wrote in his telegram channel Pavel Malkov.

True, for some reason the governor kept silent about the fact that the now dismissed functionaries just came in order to to correct “in manual mode” the blunders of the previous functionaries. In 2019, the then head of the Overhaul Fund was detained in Ryazan Marina Bondareva, and then searches were carried out in the fund itself. In 2020, the fund again had problems: the auditors of the Accounts Chamber revealed numerous violations.

“The report submitted by the Fund on the use of the subsidy for 2020 does not ensure the completeness and reliability of the information. Certain types of bonuses do not correspond to the types of bonuses established by the Regulations on wages”, inspectors noted.

At the same time, the audit materials were sent to the regional prosecutor’s office. The next acting Fund CEO Victoria Sorokin They were obliged to return money to the regional budget under contracts under which services were never provided.

It is noteworthy that the now dismissed acting. head of the overhaul fund Vitaly Dubrovin Governor Pavel Malkov himself appointed this post in November last year. To get a position, the applicant had to pass a qualifying exam, which Dubrovin initially successfully failed. After that, the test was decided to be repeated. As a result, the candidate from the governor still managed to score the minimum number of points and got the same position.

“Last year, the overhaul program failed, several houses went into the winter with their roofs open at all.
This year there are also problems: they do not have time to contract on time and the like, – states the author of the SemyonovConsulting telegram channel Alexander Semyonov. – The governor regularly criticized Minister of Housing and Public Utilities Dmitry Ustinov at government meetings that funds are not delivered to the municipalities on time, because of this, contracting terms are disrupted, and accordingly, everything is pouring further – repairs, landscaping, roads, and so on.

The same faces, only in profile

The circulation of officials also takes place in the Ministry of Construction of the Trans-Baikal Territory. From the post of acting Minister of Construction removed Aldar Balzhirovwho worked for the department for three years. One of the governor’s claims Alexandra Osipova to the Ministry of Construction that construction contracts were increasingly awarded to companies outside the region.

“Why is the absolute majority of objects that are being built in Transbaikalia – both industrial in many respects, and almost everything that is social, budgetary construction – being built by non-Transbaikal builders? – the governor was indignant in May of this year. – And no one enters competitions, and where in rare cases someone enters, then then you have to pick up these objects.

It is noteworthy that, as in the case of the reshuffle in Ryazan, dissatisfaction with Balzhirov’s activities will not have any consequences for him. Moreover, he will even continue to work in the ministry – however, now he is not in the position of acting. Minister, and in the chair of the Deputy, which he held earlier.

By the way, Balzhirov arrived in the Trans-Baikal Territory from Buryatia, where he worked in the place of the head of the local waste reclaimer EcoAlliance. This company is notable for the fact that it is continually shaken by corruption scandals, after which the leadership is urgently changing.

He did not stay long as head of the Ministry of Construction of North Ossetia Konstantin Morgoev, who wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will in early July. Morgoev headed the Republican Ministry of Construction in May last year, replacing Aslana Mildzikhovawho also left his position of his own free will. According to the official version, Morgoev intends to engage directly in construction, moving away from administrative work.

“As for Konstantin Morgoev, I will reveal a secret. He wanted to leave public administration, according to sources. He arranged for Sergei Menyailo. But he wanted to go to the construction site. Why this is so is an open question. – notes a political observer Andrey Gusiy.

The authors of local telegram channels, however, believe that the resignations in the Ministry of Construction may be associated with the scandalous construction of the Spartak stadium, which cannot be completed as early as 2021.


Кадры с уголовным прошлым

Не смог продержаться и полугода в минстрое Башкирии врио главы ведомства Ридаль Саетов. На свою должность он был назначен 13 апреля этого года, а в июле уже покинул своё кресло.

Кадровый состав республиканского минстроя вообще вызывает много вопросов. Напомним, что официально министром строительства и архитектуры Башкирии числится Рамзиль Кучарбаев, осуждённый к шести годам лишения свободы за превышение должностных полномочий и служебный подлог. Но защита обжаловала приговор и в законную силу он пока не вступил. Предположительно дело будет слушаться в Верховном суде Башкирии только осенью.

Богатое уголовное прошлое есть и у нынешнего отставника Ридаля Саетова. С 1997 по 2005 год он, будучи сотрудником милиции Стерлитамака, оказался в центре громкого скандала, связанного с превышением должностных полномочий и пытками задержанных. В отношении Саетова и его начальника возбудили уголовное дело, однако в 2003 году оба были оправданы. В 2005 году скандал, как сообщают СМИ, зашёл на второй круг и фигуранты дела всё-таки получили условный срок. Однако впоследствии и этот приговор был отменён. По неофициальной информации, назначение Саетова на должность главы республиканского минстроя пролоббировал основатель крупной федеральной девелоперской компании ГК «Гранель» Андрей Назаров, также по совместительству являющийся премьер-министром Башкирии.

Наконец, ещё один коррупционный скандал зреет в региональном минстрое Удмуртии. Бывшего главу Ижевска Олега Бекмеметьева недавно задержали по обвинению в злоупотреблении должностными полномочиями. Следствие настаивает на том, что чиновник передавал девелоперам земли, находившиеся в государственной и муниципальной собственности. Только вот провернуть подобную авантюру без участия чиновников из минстроя никак невозможно – именно региональный минстрой отвечает за выдачу разрешений на строительство.

Кстати, это уже не первый коррупционный скандал. В 2021 году глава минстроя Удмуртии Дмитрий Сурнин ушёл с должности, которую занимал с 2019 года, по собственному желанию. Его отставку тогда связывали с коррупционным скандалом, связанным с предыдущим министром Иваном Ястребом, обвиняемым в получении взятки в 14 млн рублей.

Что интересно: мало того что многим чиновникам спокойно дали уйти по собственному желанию, даже не намекнув на возможность расследований, никаких изменений в региональной политике в области ЖКХ и строительства, как правило, не планируется. Можно предположить, что ниточки этой политики ведут на самый верх – к федеральному Минстрою, возглавляемому Иреком Файзуллиным, который является креатурой главного смотрящего за строительством и ЖКХ, первого вице-премьера Марата Хуснуллина.
